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Faith's POV


I opened my eyes and quickly shut them.

The lights were too bright.

I think someone noticed and turned down the lights.

I opened my eyes again and sat up.

I was in the nurse's office.


"Hey Faith. How are you?" The nurse asked me.

"I didn't take my pill this morning. Can I have one?" I asked, ignoring her question.

She frowned and grabbed a bottle from the cabinet, handing it to me.

I took one out and popped it in my mouth, swallowing it down, then shivering because it still tasted disgusting after taking it for three years.

I stood up and walked out if the room, taking my bags with it.

I grabbed my iPhone, checking the time, and gasped.


Fourth Period.


I ran down the halls, trying to get to class.

"Good morning studen-" Mrs. Camille cut off as I burst through the doors, instantly taking my seat and pulling out a notebook.

"How rude." she muttered, then turned to the board and started writing down problems.

I looked across the room at Matthew, who was eagerly at work.

I sighed inwardly.

I loved the way his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth and I loved his hair and I loved his eyes and I loved his-


I looked up at the board.


"Fuck." I murmured under my breath, and started working.


I walked out of class and scooted down the halls to my locker, number 816.

I put in my code and dropped off my books from seventh period, along with my backpack, and grabbed my violin case.

I speed walked down the halls and into the west wing of the auditorium, where I saw Gianna and her dance troop warming up for practice.

I pulled out my violin carefully and started tuning the strings.

"Alright class! Let's begin!" shouted Mrs. Bergenfield shouted.

Gianna's dance group walked out onto the giant stage, and I went to my place on all the way in the back where I was the only one, because no one else signed up for this class.

"Faith?" Mrs. Bergenfield called.

I looked up from my violin.

"Today I want you up at the front.

To sing your own song."

My eyes widened.

I slowly made my way up to the front of the stage.

"Girls, take five!" she screamed to the dance troop, who had been practicing their routine. They all walked off the stage, except Gianna, who hopped off and stood next to Mrs. Bergenfield.

"Go on. Play your own melody."

I looked at her for a moment, then at my sister.

I put the violin up to my shoulder, put the bow to the strings, and started playing the song i've been working on all month.

I put all of my energy, all of my strength into this piece, all of my heart.

When I was finished, I was panting.

I opened my eyes and saw Mrs. Bergenfield crying, and Gianna, teary eyed, video taping the whole thing.

I stepped offstage and walked out of the auditorium. It was time to leave anyway.

I picked up my things from locker 816 and left the school, heading home to scream at my sister for videotaping me at practice.

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