Chapter 2

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A Week Later - Elly's POV

I run from Hidan as he chases me with his scythe.

"You damn child of Jesus!" Hidan yells at me.

"John 3:16 For god so loved the world, he gave his one and only son, and whoever believes in him shall have eternal life!" I yell and duck his scythe.

"Stop it!" Hidan yells at me.

"John 3:17! For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him!" I yell and he growls and nearly tackles me, but I jump out the open base door and I roll on the ground as he slides on his face and I smoothly finish rolling and stand up.

"They're at it again." Konan says to Pain who sighs.

"You damn bitch!" Hidan yells at me as I jump up and I land a crushing kick to him and he and the earth get crushed under my kick.

I jump back. "God is my refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble, this is my God and I will praise him, he is my father's god and I will exalt him! Psalm 46: 1-3." I say to Hidan.

"You, bitch." He grumbles.

I grab the back of his cloak and I drag him inside and I tie him to a chair and I cut his head off and I put it on a pole and I walk away from there.

"OH MY GOD!" Deidara yells and I can tell he saw the scene in the front room.

I put my hands in my jean pockets. "Don't take thy Lord my God's name is vain." I say and I can hear Hidan cussing his head off.

I walk to my room and I sit on my bed and I look at the shelf of books I have, attached to my wall and I grab my Bible and I start reading in Revelations.

I fall asleep after a while with my Bible on my chest.

"Elly, Leader wants you." Someone says walking in the room.

I groan and hide under my black comforter and the person sighs.

"Elly, get up."

I sigh. "Why does he want me now?" I ask as I get up and I walk to the office with Itachi and I mess with my bangs trying to get them in their normal position. "This air isn't good for my hair." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Tell me about it." Itachi says to me.

"I'm gonna have to get a flat iron for my hair, usually its naturally flat." I say and Itachi nods and we walk into the office and Pain looks at us.

"Close your cloak up Elly, its supposed to be closed." Pain says to me.

"I agreed to stay in the place without much fighting, I didn't object to this, so I'm going to wear the cloak how I please, besides, if I try to close it, I'm gonna lose air." I say and He just sighs at me.

I shrug and we look at him.

"You two are going on a mission together, its a mission that requires Both of your skills." Pain says to us.

I raise an eyebrow. "What kind of mission?" I ask him.

"You'll be visiting the Hidden Leaf to get information on the 9 Tails Jinchuriki, Kisame will be going with you, if you can, capture him." Pain says to us in a stern tone.

I nearly wince when he says Hidden Leaf and Itachi does too.

"Yes sir." I say with a smile, covering up my feelings and Itachi just nods and I head to my room.

I put my pouches on and I put my bible in my pouch that is strapped to my waist.

I sigh and I take my black fingerless gloves from my shelf and I look at them. "Fuck me. That's enough, stop it." I say and I slap my face lightly a few times and I put the gloves on.

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