Chapter 12

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Years later like centuries later - Elly's POV

I sit in a cafe with a guy who has silver hair and violet eyes.

"You know, your pretty cute." He says to me.

"You think so?" I ask him.

"Yeah, my name is Hidan, who are you?" He asks me.

"Elizabeth, but you can call me Elly." I say to him with a smile.

Konan walks in with Nagato and I grin at her.

"KONAN!" I yell tackling her and she laughs as we fall to the ground.

"Elly, what has gotten into you?" She asks me.

I grin. "I found him." I whisper and she looks at me shocked.

"Really?" Konan asks sitting up and sees him. "No way. Congrats girl." She says to me.

I look at the ring on my finger with a smile. "Thanks Konan." I say and we get up.

"Dude!" Hidan yells as a guy with green eyes and black hair comes in.

"Hidan." He says to him.

"I found her." Hidan says to him and he looks at him surprised.

I mess with the ring on my finger as Hidan walks over to me.

"Your my Akatsuki girl." He says in my ear and I grin and jump into his arms.

"HIDAN!" I squeal and he laughs as he hugs me.

"Finally." Nagato and Konan say as they watch us.

"Baby, how could you take so long?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Sorry, your a hard girl to find you know. It wasn't as simple as it was back in the past." Hidan says to me.

"Your forgiven, if you marry me." I say to him and he smirks up at me.

"Of course babe." Hidan says to me.

I kiss him and he sets me down.

A few years later

"HIDAN!" I yell from our bedroom and he comes running in as I breath heavily with a hand on my over grown stomach.

"Is it time?" He asks me worried.

I groan at the contraction. "Yeah. Get me to the hospital, hurry!" I yell at him and he nods and helps me up. He gets me to the car and drives me there with police tailing us since he's going way past the speed limit and once we get to the hospital, the nurses come out and help me while Hidan explains to the police what happened. "HIDAN!" I yell and he apologizes once more before he rushes with us to a room and I get transfered to a bed in the emergency ward and Hidan holds my hand.

"Babe, just breath." Hidan says to me.

"I'm trying." I say as I try controlling my breathing.

Hours later, I'm holding a baby girl and a baby boy in my arms and I'm dead tired.

"Babe, you did great." Hidan says kissing my forehead and I manage a smile.

"Thanks Hidan." I say and our babies open their eyes. The girl has brown hair like mine, but has Hidan's violet eyes and the boy has silver hair like Hidan's but has my brown eyes. "Baby, they're a perfect mix of us." I say and Hidan nods, pride showing in his eyes.

"What are you gonna call them?" The doctor asks us with a smile.

Me and Hidan look at each other before we look back at our babies.

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