Chapter 9

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A Month Later - Elly's POV

I start getting ushered into a room by two stone ninja and I scowl at them. "Hands off, if I didn't like you touching me then, then what makes you think I want to be touched now?" I ask them and they just roll their eyes.

"There is someone who has agreed to help us with information on Madara. In return that we don't arrest her yet." Raikage says and Old Man looks at me as I get ushered in by the Stone ninja and I'm scowling at them.

"Elly." Old Man says and I look at him and I put my hands in my pockets.

"Been a while Old Man." I say and he nods.

"Wait, you mean this is Elly Senju?" Lady Mizukage asks shocked.

"I only agreed to this because Madara is after my ass. That, and I finally want some peace, if you all have a say otherwise against my help, too bad." I say and Tsunade just smirks slightly while the Kazekage looks at me, analyzing me.

"Why are you helping us?" He asks me.

"Because I hate Madara and I'm not going into detail why, he just pissed me off when he joined the Akatsuki." I say and Kazekage nods. "What do want to know about Madara?" I ask them.

"Everything you know." Shikaku says to me and some ninja come to attempt to restrain me so I can't leave, but I scowl at them.

"Hands, off." I say and the ninja back away. I tell them everything I know about him, which is quite a lot.

"She knew more than we thought." Shikaku says shocked.

"Of course I do, ever since he joined the Akatsuki I gathered information on him, before I was captured of course." I say and I brush a part of my bangs out of my face.

"Now what?" Tsunade asks and Raikage looks at me.

"Can she fight?" Kazekage asks.

"I don't trust her, she might go back to the Akatsuki and how do we know she's telling the truth?" Old Man asks annoyed.

"Not like I trust you either Old Man, and if you want to know the truth, I'll let Inoichi into my head and he can confirm it." I say and that surprises Tsunade.

"Why wouldn't you let us in the Leaf?" Tsunade asks me.

I can't believe I have a sister so dumb.

"Because my friends were still alive, you think I'm just gonna rat them out?" I ask her.

"Criminals have a code, you guys abandon each other to save your skins." Old Man says to me and I scowl at him, making everyone look at me surprised.

"And you Old Man? You used to not give a shit about your ninja, you left them to die in the last war." I say to him and he scowls back.

"Ok, don't fight." Tsunade says to us and I cross my arms over my chest.

"I didn't come here to fight with the Kage." I say and Old Man just grumbles.

"Stubborn brat." He mutters and my eye twitches slightly, but I keep myself under control.

"Inoichi, confirm what she says is true about Madara." Tsunade orders him.

"Yes M'lady." He says and I take the wardings down and he places his hand on my head and I just let him do what he does.

"Surprising that she isn't fighting back." Tsunade says to Shikaku who nods in agreement.

"She's telling the truth." Inoichi says stepping back from me.

"See?" I ask Old Man and he just huffs in annoyance.

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