Chapter 7

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2 and a half years later - Elly's POV

The Leaf still have me, Old Man came to get me to talk but failed and went back home, I haven't said a word for 2 and a half years and everyone I had ties to before I joined the Akatsuki have tried guilting me into talking but that didn't work. As you can imagine, Ibiki is very angry, Tsunade is beyond pissed and upset, and I'm, not in the best state, physically or mentally. They got Cocoa before she got to the base and I've heard from the guards that she's at the Inuzuka compound. I also heard the Akatsuki are getting picked off, recently is was Hidan, Kakuzu, Itachi, and Deidara. That's half of us gone now and Ibiki is trying to use that against me. I've tried to escape a few times, but that didn't work out so well, each time, stopped by Kakashi and a team of ANBU, you'd think I would have spoken by now, but, I'd either be executed afterwords because that is the Leaf way, or I'd stay put here for eternity. I actually want to die, because its very hard to keep this attitude up in front of them, if I could, I would, but its impossible, I can't slam my head against the wall because I'd break through it with my thick skull, I would stab myself with a knife, but butter knives are the only knives I get and I could hang myself, but I'm chained to the ground, choking myself is out of the option, my physical strength is depleted from not being able to train it, so many things I could do, and all of them, I mean all of them, are impossible, impossible, it annoys me just to think about how impossible it is to kill myself here.


I glance upwards to see Naruto and I close my eyes again as I grip my necklace.

God give me strength.

"Why are you with them? Huh? All they do is kill." Naruto asks me angry.

"Because they're the only ones who didn't outcast me." I say to him and he looks at me shocked. "They actually gave a damn when I freaked out during a thunderstorm, they gave a damn when I was in trouble, they gave a damn to even recruit me, and you know what, no one has given a damn about me before like they did, and when I left the Leaf when I was a kid, everyone suddenly gave a damn, when I left the Stone to be part of the Akatsuki, everyone in these two villages gave a damn because they, don't want their secrets spilled, they couldn't actually give a damn if I were still part of the Leaf, because I was nothing, and you know what, now I don't give a damn about anyone but the Akatsuki, you all are just worried that you won't win against us and all that crap, well give up that shit thinking and start treating people like equals, none of this would have have happened if you all just decided to treat each other like equals instead of thinking everyone is so far below you, its that thinking that makes people like me, who feel they aren't good enough to be accepted by anyone, who decided that maybe no one cared about her, people like me, the Akatsuki, we all have different reasons for joining, but we all have one thing in common, people hate us, but we came together and became a damn family, if any of you Leaf people think your gonna get me to betray the only people who treated me like one of their own, then you dead wrong." I say and Naruto looks down.

"You don't think I know how you feel?" He asks me and I just roll my eyes. "Everyone hated me when I was kid because I have a beast in me, but I endured it because I want to become Hokage, so everyone stop disrespecting me and start looking up to me, and I'm making my dream come true. And its also people like you who think so low about their surroundings that they agree to anything where they feel welcomed, the Akatsuki don't actually care about you, and if they did, why haven't they come for you?" Naruto asks slamming his hands on the cell doors.

I laugh dryly. "If they don't care so what?" I say and he looks up shocked. "It won't be the first time anyways." I say as I look at the wall blankly. "All of you just treat us like dirt, what the hell have we ever done to deserve that? Your all biased people, you don't actually give two shits about me, you just want to know why this all happened, it only happened, because none of you could actually see what the hell we were feeling, none of you could get off your high horse and help us, you village ninja are too arrogant." I say and Naruto looks at me shocked as I pull myself in closer. "You guys never helped us when we needed it most, no one helped me as a kid and that's what disappointed me, because I had a sister who didn't give a damn, I had friends who didn't give a damn, when I went to the Hidden Stone, one guy, one, actually gave a damn, Deidara, we became like siblings and then he left for the Akatsuki and then two months later comes back for me, he actually gave a shit, the other members did too, and you know what, I was damn well happy there to, you all think of us as criminals, I wear this cloak proudly just as you wear that headband, if I'm a criminal to you and the Leaf, then I'm a damn proud criminal, I don't belong in a village, and I have no future and I couldn't give a damn about that." I say to him and he slams the door again.

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