Chapter 11

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Elly's POV

I open my eyes to see the Akatsuki there waiting and they look at me as I walk over.

"So, we're all dead." Konan says to me and I notice I'm wearing my cloak, as is everyone else and I nod.

"Seems so. Though, I was prepared for it." I say and Konan smiles at me.

"Of course." Konan says and I look at everyone.

"Well then, seems the bitch didn't rat us out while she was in captivity." Hidan says to us with a smirk.

"Like hell I would, are you that stupid?" I ask him and Deidara smirks as he puts his arms on my head and leans there.

"So little sis, how did you die?" Deidara asks me.

"Madara killed me, as I thought he would." I say and he nods and everyone makes a group hug around me. "Hey! I didn't agree to this." I say and everyone laughs.

My brown hair with yellow streaks flows beside me as we watch the sunset.

"So, none of us went to hell or heaven." I say and everyone nods. "But if Hidan was immortal, why is he here?" I ask.

"We don't know." Nagato says to me and I nod.

"Is there any good way to get buzzed here? I need a drink after that fight with Madara." I ask and Itachi nods in agreement.

"I think we all need a drink after dealing with Madara." Itachi says to me and everyone nods in agreement.

We find a place and we drink to our hearts content.

"That, is a lot better, I didn't get the chance to be buzzed after I got out of captivity." I say and Hidan smirks.

Everyone disperses among ourselves while me and Hidan head up stairs with Konan and Nagato following in step and us lairs head into different rooms.

"Well then." Hidan says to me with a smirk as he pins me to the wall.

"Well then in deed." I say as I put my arms around his neck.

A few weeks later

"I can't believe it, they're marrying each other while their dead." Deidara says as he cries while a priest marries me and Hidan.

Everyone cheers or cries, and in Deidara and Konan's case, its both.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest says to us as Hidan slips my Akatsuki ring onto my finger and I do the same to him. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest says to Hidan.

"Was already gonna." Hidan says with a smirk and kisses me deeply and I kiss back.

"I'm, so happy!" Konan cries into Nagato and Yahiko's shoulders and I smile at Hidan as he takes my hand. He smirks back and all of us head to the reception and me and Konan talk while Hidan and the boys talk.

"You've got to be really happy. Something finally went right for you." Konan says to me as we watch the boys.

"Yeah, finally. I'm so happy." I say as tears threaten to leak from my eyes.

"Don't worry, the make up is water proof." Konan says to me and laugh as the tears fall down my cheeks and I wipe them away.

"Konan, your the best friend anyone can ask for." I say to her and she hugs me and I hug her back.

"You know, you reformed Hidan, he hasn't talked about Jashin once since you agreed to marry him." Konan says to me as he steps back and I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, we've both calmed down in our religions." I say to her. I watch Hidan as he and Deidara get dared to down as much whip cream as possible and I smile. "Though I do wish, we could have a family, kind of late to do that though." I say and Konan smiles at me.

"Maybe if you guys are reborn." Konan says to me and I nod.

"I hope so." I say to her and Hidan wins. "I wonder what our children would look like." I say to her.

"The girls would be beautiful, there's no doubt about that since their mom is beautiful." Konan says to me and I smile at her.

"Your gonna make me cry again." I say to her and she smiles as Hidan and Nagato walk over and kiss us.

"What are you two talking about?" Hidan asks us as he wraps his arms around my bare shoulders.

"Babies." Konan replies and the boys faces go red and me and Konan giggle at their immaturity.

"I wish we could have kids, but, we're kind of dead." I say and Hidan laughs.

"Next life." Hidan says to me.

"Promise?" I ask him and he nods with a smirk.

"Promise." Hidan says to me and I smile.

"I'm so happy. For the first time in a long time, I'm truly happy." I say and Hidan nods in agreement as I put my hands on his arms and the music starts.

"Its time for the bride and groom to dance." Yahiko says grinning.

"What? I didn't agree to this." I say as Hidan takes me out to the dance floor.

"Too bad." Hidan says to me with a smile and we dance. "Your not too shabby." Hidan says to me.

"Thanks, not bad yourself." I say and then after a couple minutes Deidara cuts in and dances with me while Hidan watches us with a smirk.

The dance ends and I sit down with Konan and we watch the guys dance to awful rap music.

"They're just saying the same word!" I say exasperated and Konan nods in agreement.

I walk up to the DJ booth kicking him out and I change the Song to. I'm too Sexy by Right said Fred and the guys all look at me as I smirk.

Hidan smirks and strips off his shirt. "I'm too sexy for shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy that it hurts." He says and I laugh as the guys dance and Konan laughs as well.

"Jeez, this woman. She can change anyone's attitudes." Yahiko says to Nagato who nods.

"I'm too sexy for your party, too sexy for your party, no way I'm disco dancing." I sing along while Hidan smirks.

I put on the most ridiculous songs and everyone laughs together while I watch them amused.

Next I put on the macarana and we all dance along to it and once it ends, we laugh.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Yahiko yells and I jump over the side of the booth and Hidan catches me and sets me down and I grab a box for me and Hidan to share.

We also grab some Sake bottles and sit at a table with everyone.

"This has to be the best day ever." I say and Deidara nods in agreement while Hidan eats half the pizza. "Hey! Save some for me!" I say and he laughs as I take the box away from him and he reaches over me and attempts to grab it, but, my chair tips too far backward and I fall. "Ow." I say and Hidan laughs along with everyone else.

"Is the pizza ok?" Hidan asks me.

"Yep, managed to save it." I say as I push the chair up with me in it.

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