Chapter 3

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The Next Day - Elly's POV

"Oi, wake up, I want to sit down on the couch bitch." Hidan says to me and my eye twitches in annoyance.

"Go away you son of a bitch, can't you see I'm laying here?" I ask him.

"Yes, now move your fucking fat ass out of the way or I'm gonna fucking sit on you." Hidan says to me annoyed.

I just growl in annoyance and I sit up and huddle in the corner of the couch and I grab the remote before him and he growls in annoyance and takes it from me.

"Fuck you." Hidan says to me.

"Well, fucking great, how ahout, you go fuck yourself." I say and take the remote back.

"How about, I fuck you." Hidan says to me with a smirk.

"How about, fuck no." I say throwing the remote at his head and it hits him and he falls backwards. I get up and I head back to my room to see Konan asleep on top of Pain and I cover them with a blanket because, they're, nude.

I then grab a water bottle from my case and I dump it on Pain's face and he just continues sleeping.

I tap Konan and she doesn't budge or even respond.

I shrug and grab my Bible and I head outside and sit in the forest reading.

Hidan attacks me after a while and I dodge his scythe over and over again and I kick him in the gut and he flies back into the base.

I move spots and I sit in a tree with my chakra masked and I continue reading where I left off.

Later that day I walk back into my room to see neither Konan nor Pain there, so I decide to clean up their mess and I wash her stuff for her.

"Thanks." Konan says coming out of our bathroom a bit wobbly.

"Yeah, no problem." I say as I support her up and I sit her on her bed and I smirk and sit in front of her. "So, how long have you and Pain been doing that?" I ask her and she blushes.

"Not long." She says to me nervously.

"Good for you two, unfortunately, I can't get laid like that, seriously, your so lucky to have a man." I say and she giggles.

"There are a lot of guys in this organization." Konan says to me and I gag.

"And none of them are in my interest box." I say to her and she laughs lightly at my words. "There's my interest box, the brother box, the idiot box and then the nonexistent people box, the brother box has Deidara and Itachi, the idiot box has Kisame and Hidan, the nonexistent box has everyone else since they barley talk to me. The interest box is empty, always has been, always will be." I say to her and she just laughs.

"So, you haven't dated anyone?" Konan asks me.

"Eh, I would say haven't, I've skipped around with guys before in Iwa, you know, just to fill the gap inside for a while before I move on to another, I never stayed with the same guy for more than a week." I say and Konan nods.

"Were any of them cute?" Konan asks me.

"Yeah, all of them, I dated the narcissistic guys since they wouldn't care if I move on or not." I say and Konan nods.

"Did you sleep with any of them?" Konan asks me and I look at her.

"Yes, I did, and I don't regret it either." I say and she smiles.

"Its nice to have girl talks like this." Konan says to me and I nod.

"Yeah, I've never really had any friends that were girls, all the ones in Iwa were too stuck up for me." I say and she nods in agreement.

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