Chapter 10

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A while Later - Elly's POV

I stand in front of all the Shinobi as I look at Madara.

"Traitor Elly, you can never stay with someone can you? You abandoned the Leaf and went to the Stone, you abandoned the Stone and went to the Akatsuki, you abandoned the Akatsuki for Village Ninja." Madara says to me.

"Sorry, Madara, guess I can't just stay still while every place I go changes and outcasts the outcast." I say to him.

"You were such a good soldier too." Madara says to me.

"Soldier. That's a really fun word for you to use huh? Kind of like you had the albino use my friends dead bodies against me. Konan and Nagato, Itachi, Deidara. Fun experience, little heartbreaking, you know, soul crushing and all that emotion junk?" I say to him.

"It was amusing, I could hear your soul weeping." Madara says to me and I can tell he's smirking.

"Laughing at my pain, how predictable for the bad guy." I say to him.

"Of course, you were the least trusted in the Organization." Madara says to me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Uh huh, nice to know." I say to him.

"Why don't you put on your cloak and we can handle this fair and square?" Madara says to me with a smirk.

"When is anything Fair and Square with you?" I ask him.

"How sad, you can't trust my words." Madara says to me with a mocking sad tone.

I roll my eyes. "I never trusted you." I say to him. "But, I would like to finish you off myself, considering that I wasn't aloud to kill Kabuto, I might as well kill the mastermind." I say to him.

"Then put your cloak on." Madara says to me.

"No." I say to him. "You should know by now, the Akatsuki are over, the cloak is just a memory of what was good before you ruined it, just like you ruined everything else in your life." I say as I pull out a kunai.

"I didn't ruin everything, I'm still here." Madara says to me annoyed.

"True. But its just proof your a bastard who doesn't give up." I say to him.

"You can be a serious bitch too." Madara says to me.

"Shouldn't we step in?" Kazekage asks Tsunade.

"Let her do what she wants here, she's got to prove she's on our side and this match will prove it." Raikage says to him.

Madara attacks me and I dodge him each time, waiting for the perfect moment to hit him.

He manages to grab my wrist and I lodge my kunai into his chest.

"Oh you bitch, you moved, I was supposed to lodge the kunai into your heart." I say to him annoyed.

"I'm not a bitch." Madara says as he throws me and I land on the ground sliding on my heels as I pull out another kunai.

"Your right, your not a bitch, your an asshole who doesn't die." I say to him.

I duck from his attack and I kick him in the gut, sending him flying and crash lands on his back.

"She's proved herself." Tsunade says to Raikage and he nods.

"Not yet." Raikage says to her.

Tsunade looks at me as I put my hands in my pockets as I walk over to Madara.

"You know, I really, really hate you." I say as I push him farther into the ground with my foot and I bend over. "Your a real pain in the ass for me, the countries, life its self, someone made a mistake making you." I say to him and he growls while I just roll my eyes.

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