Chapter 6

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The Next Day - Elly's POV

I manage to stumble to the kitchen with Konan and the two of us just sit at the table.

Hidan and Pain just smirk to themselves.

"We did good." Pain says to him.

"I'm gonna kill everyone if I can't move tomorrow." I say and Konan nods in agreement.

"Oh by the way, Elly, I wasn't wearing a condom." Hidan says to me and I wave him off.

"I had my Birth Control pill before I left the base." I say and Konan nods. "I'm safe, we've been using the same B-Pills for years and they work." I say and I stare at the fridge and I hit my head on the table. "Damn it." I say and Deidara walks in. "Deidara, make me a sandwich please?" I ask him.

"Make it yourself." Deidara says to me with a snort.

"I would, but dips it over there fucked me too hard and I can barely walk." I say and Hidan smirks proudly.

"You can barely walk, just like back when others guys fucked you in Iwa, but its been two days, instead of the normal one." Deidara says to me and I nod.

"I would cut his head off as revenge, but, I can't, it'll be a struggle just to get back to my room. Now make me a sandwich, please? I'm asking nicely." I ask him.

He sighs remembering when I would do this back in Iwa when we were roommates. "You do this to me then, and you still do this to me now." Deidara says to me and I nod.

"As far as I'm concerned, your like a brother, so do as your sister says." I say and Konan smiles amused.

"You better own up to this Hidan and take her back to her room. You Leader should do the same for Konan." Deidara says sighing in annoyance as he gets out the stuff to make my sandwich.

"She'll chop my head off." Hidan says to him.

"Dies she look like she's in the condition to do that?" Deidara asks him.

"She's unpredictable." Hidan says to him.

"Not really, in just a minute she'll sigh in annoyance at how slow I'm going with her food." Deidara says with a smirk as he takes forever making my sandwich and just as he said, I sigh in annoyance, getting bored. "See?" Deidara says to him.

"You just know so much about her since you guys are basically siblings." Hidan says annoyed.

"Did his cussing stop?" Konan whisper asks me.

"Hard to say." I whisper back.

Deidara hands me my sandwich. "Now take them to their room." He says to Hidan and Pain.

I start eating my sandwich as me and and Konan get picked up by the two and taken to our room and set inside.

Konan and I shut and lock the door after saying thanks, leaving the boys confused and we switch on our TV that I installed for us since we can't use the living room one since everyone else hogs it. We eat while watching our soap operas.

"So, sad." I say sniffling and Konan nods in agreement wiping her eyes.

We watch TV for most of the day before we head to bed.

The next day

"And God told the disabled man to get up, grab his cot and walk out of the building." I say and Konan nods.

"We can walk!" We say happily.

I head out of the room with Konan and I head to the kitchen and I make us breakfast.

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