Desire, Dreams, Disaster

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Hi Guys! Here is the next chappy! No Om for this one, but it was necessary to set up the friendship between AniRuRi. Also, I promise more Rikara for the next update with meaningful conversations. 

Gauri might be overthinking and overanalyzing here, but this is exactly one of her character traits. She is a very shy person who calms down when she thinks things out or when she has a plan in place. Hence, the following reactions. 


Chapter 2: Desire, Dreams, Disaster

She was writhing in the sheets when she felt the strong hold of his arms on her waist pulling her up and out of the comfortable bed. His touch felt warm and soft and hard and smooth all at the same time. It burned where his hands grazed her skin over the thin night suit she had on. And she felt the sweat beads form on her body as she struggled to handle her galloping heart in her chest. He was unrelenting as he softly kissed her knuckles in his hand and lead her further into the room. Somehow, he managed to keep his eyes on her as they pushed and pulled until she was somehow trapped in between the wall of her bedroom and his wide eyes. A light sweep of his hair tickled the tip of her nose and she scrunched up in reflex. Watching her, he smiled and leaned closer in an effort to tease a kiss. But, she was nervous. She bent her head in embarrassment only to be pulled back up into his eyes by his guided hands. He was way closer than before. His eyes were so beautiful and she couldn't understand whether to faint in his constant running touch up and down her shoulders or his wide imploring eyes. She closed her eyes when she felt his fingers circle on a sensitive spot on her waist. He smiled against her eyes and then slowly dipped his head to place a soft fleeting kiss on her mouth....

Gauri woke up with a jolt and felt the sweat trickle down her face as she rubbed her eyes to orient herself. Her hands felt cold and clammy against her skin as her mind tried to make sense of what she was made to see in her sleep just a few minutes ago.

His eyes...his touch....his kiss

Gauri touched her fingers to her lips and felt the ridges of her mouth. The shock of her cold fingers tamed the heat she felt on her lips just then.

Of course he hadn't kissed it.

She knew that, but what scared her was the way it looked and felt so real just a few minutes ago. He had seemed so real that she lost herself in the moment. He seemed so inviting and so beautiful that she couldn't resist him. Not that she wanted to. Her fingers began to tremble as the reality of her thoughts began to seep into her brain. She covered her mouth in fright. How had things gotten this far? She had only seen him for two minutes yesterday and today she was dreaming about kisses and fairy tales. This had to stop now, she thought worried.

So, she pushed the covers of her thin duvet out of the bed and splashed cool water on her face. And when she felt refreshed, she checked the time on her alarm clock.

3:03 am

Great, she thought, just great. She was wide awake and too afraid to go to sleep with four hours to kill before she had to get ready for school. What do I do?

The options were plenty: read her notes, cook, surf Youtube for acapella videos, stalk people on Instagram, search up Omkar-

UGHHH. Even my thoughts are betraying me, she thought frustrated.

There's no helping you now Gauri. Especially when the crush of your millenium is sleeping 20 feet and 2 doors away. What is going to become of you?

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