Jealousy Bites

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Finallyyyy!!! Here you go!!!! Also can I just say that Shrenal's insta madness is consuming me whole. They are true costar goals, friendship goals and everything else goals!!!


The three musketeers plus Bhavya sat at the Downtown Cafe close to the medical school on one of their rare hours off. It was a Wednesday afternoon and their lecture had been cancelled by their generous professor. So instead of studying for their upcoming exams and applying for internships like other nerdy med students, they were catching up on sleep, coffee and a bunch of gossip.

As for Bhavya, she had faked a headache at work to meet up with the current love of her shitty life. No matter how boring and stressful things got at work for her, Rudi was always a welcome that she meant to keep forever. If that's what he wanted, she thought with a pinch of doubt, but anybody who saw the way Rudi looked at her when she was busy talking would know that he was the never-going-to-leave-make-it-to-the-wedding kind of way.

Gauri smiled at the both of them as Rudi casually swept his hand down Bhavya's back and ran through her hair feeling the softness of those bouncy curls. They're cute, she thought, and from what she knew of Bhavya, she was perfect for Rudi. They both complimented each other in a weird sort of way that no one would have ever thought about. Yet, they are so cute, she smiled again before turning her attention to Annika.

Something was going on with that girl, she wondered as she saw Annika checking her phone twice before blushing discreetly and turning to her with the expression of a deer caught in the headlights.

"What?" she asked knowing very well that she was caught. The only thing that Gauri did not know was what she was caught for. Gauri squinted her eyes and stared at her, trying to decipher her friend's mysterious expression when the phone buzzed again flashing 'Shivaay'. Annika grabbed the phone a little too quickly, confirming Gauri's doubts.

"What the hell is going on between the both of you?" Gauri whispered looking at Annika with a crazed expression.

"Don't worry, it's not a fight." Annika assured typing up a reply and putting down her phone to answer her friend as honestly as she could without giving away too much.

"Then what is it?"

"I, uh, can't really say right now. It's a little complicated."

"Are you making out with him?"

"No" Annika hissed before sobering immediately. "Not really."

Gauri's eyes widened and before she could ask any more questions, Annika held her hand tightly and pleaded with her eyes wide. "It's too early....I can't say.....don't want to rush it. When I know you'll know."

Gauri nodded unsure of what to say. "Just don't ask me to keep it from Om this time."

Rudi looked up from the comfortable stance with his girlfriend and caught his two best friends hissing underneath their breath. Curious he turned to them. "Keep what from Om?"

"Nothing" the both of them said with the same poker face that they usually reserved for patients when delivering bad news.

"You guys are lying right?" Rudi asked not buying into their act for even one second. Beside him, Bhavya chuckled with an adoring look towards the girls.

"Yup" Gauri said looking down before stuffing her mouth with the fries. She hated lying.

"Where is he, by the way?" Annika asked, trying her best to divert the attention from the conversation that she had just had with Gauri. Rudi does not need to know about Shivaay and me just yet, everything's so new. It's best not to complicate things.

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