Once upon a Time There was a Scared Kitten

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Hi Guys!!!! Finally got time to update!! Hope you guyz like it! 


Once Upon a Time, There was a Scared Little Kitten

The lecture had ended for the day, but Gauri was far from being done. She checked her cell phone again and reread the email from Professor Jacob for the thousandth time that morning. It was a simple email asking her to meet him after lecture regarding her most recent quiz scores, but Gauri knew that wasn't the real reason why. And thinking of the real reason made a sick, shiver run down her spine as she walked towards his office. She shook her head with the thoughts in her head. Maybe she was overthinking it. Maybe the situation wasn't as bad as she thought it was. Maybe Om was right, may be she was worrying way too much these days, she thought.

But then she remembered the parcel with her quiz scores and all of the sick feelings returned with twice as much force than before. She felt the same shiver this time accompanied with the strong feeling of nausea that built up in her throat. Heaving, she pushed herself into the nearest restroom and wretched in the toilet. Heaving some more, she leaned against the toilet seat on the floor of the bathroom thinking about how bad the situation could be in the meeting with Professor Jacob today.

Just then her phone buzzed. It was Om.

"Missin' you randomly today. Swing by the Gallery. Let's go home together. :) <3

And in spite of the situation she was in, she smiled slightly to herself. She wanted to call him and cry to him about all the wrong things in her life but she didn't have to courage to do so. Partly because she didn't know how bad the situation could be and partly because she didn't want him to know any of her problems, especially not when she could solve them. If it gets too complicated, then I will tell him. For right now, his unknowing support is enough, she thought determinedly.

And with that thought, she pulled herself off the bathroom floor and walked to Professor Jacob's cabin with her phone clutched tightly in her hands. She was still trembling when she knocked on his door, but her head was held high.

"Come in."

Gauri pushed the door open carefully and met his gaze with a determined look before sitting in the chair across from him as she lay her backpack down. Her phone was still clutched in her hand tightly and her knuckles whitened with it.

"Sir, I believe you wanted to speak with me."

Professor Jacob smiled through his horn-rimmed glasses as he put the New England Journal of Medicine down and leaned forward in his seat.

"Yes, yes. I remember."

He then shuffled through the untidy stack of papers on his desk and pulled out a copy of Gauri's quiz results from today. He laid the paper down in front of her and pointed to the bright red 69% on top of the paper.

"So, Ms. Sharma. I see your test results from today's quiz."

Gauri looked at the paper in shock as she pulled the sheet in front of her. It was the Cardio quiz that she had studied for all night last night. She was confident in her material and she knew she had nailed it when she took the quiz earlier today. Then, what was this? How could I have failed? She wondered.

Professor Jacob looked at Gauri across the seat trembling. His gaze held a little longer on her before looking back at the papers in his hands.

"They aren't that great, are they?"

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