New Knots, Old Ties

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Hi Guys!!!! New part's here!! It's not completely edited, but I did want to get it out as soon as possible because I know some of yall have been waiting. I'll read through and edit tomorrow. 

Also don't forget to vote and comment...please please please...pretty please <3 :)


New Knots, Old Ties

Om stood on the big balcony of the upper floor of The Gallery looking at the few art geeks who had come to check it out in the middle of a work day on Wednesday. His work, he reminded himself mentally patting his back as he smiled before sipping the coffee. As to why he had been out of the office on the middle of a work day on Wednesday was best known to him. All he could really say to his boss as he stepped out the door was that he needed a 'large breath of fresh air'. Mr. Portman had given him a strange look but Omkara couldn't care less. His art was up on the walls of the most prestigious gallery in town....but why is that manager lingering around my admirers?

He stopped sipping his coffee and peered closer at the manager as he descended into a deep conversation with one of the Art geeks below. The conversation went on for a few minutes before the manager flung his hands excitedly and then brought him to the cashier's counter. There was a few exchange of words, a big fat check of money and then an enthusiastic wave as the geek stepped out the door.

Om waited two heartbeats before he flew down the stairs and caught the manager with a smug grin and a paycheck.

"How much?" Om huffed taking the check from the manager's hands.

"50 grand. Congrats big guy." Bob said patting Om's shoulder before adding, " though I hope you know that 20% of the cut is mine."

"Ya...uh..ya of course. Thanks." Om said as he stared at the check in his hand. 50 grand. That's like a third of my annual salary. All of it covered with just one painting.

He handed the check back to the manager and looked around the gallery for all of his paintings counting how many were there. 15. If all of them sell this way then...

Om shook his head and blocked his mind from running down those directions of thoughts. Sure, he had an economic sense after his years in college, but he didn't want to think about money when it came to something as pure and joyful as his Art. Whatever money that resulted from it would be the cherry on a long overdue cake. Yet, the compensation made him smile smugly...even for a second.

The bells chimed in the distance and before Om knew it, he was engulfed into a tight bear hug.


Om hugged back but his face was set in a frown. "Shivaay what are you doing here now?"

Shivaay pulled back and turned his droopy puppy dog face on as he looked at Om's defensive stance. "Om, I said sorry na. I couldn't make it. I had a meeting, but I'm here now."

"What kind of a meeting kept you away from one of the most important nights of my life. If anybody, you were supposed to be there." Om shot back annoyed. Was he really angry at Shivaay? Not really, but still the fact that his best friend hadn't been there stung.

"Om, trust me. It was important. I had to go."

Something in his eyes darting and his shoulders rising made Om suspicious of what he said. There was something that wasn't right. Something that Shivaay wasn't saying.

"You're lying to me right?"

Shivaay stared hard into Om's curious eyes. Of course something was up, but did he have the courage to tell Om about the surgery he was going to have next week? Did he have the courage to admit the risks and prognosis of the diseased heart he had been carrying around for 2 weeks now? Of course not. He took a deep breath. "Yes"

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