🌹Chapter 20🌹

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Special thanks to everyone who voted on the movies featured in this chapter!!! The results are in, and the top three movies, in order of appearance, are... drumroll, please...

Big Hero 6
101 Dalmations

Again, thank you to everyone that voted, and, to those who might not have been able to vote, thank you for reading and being the wonderful human beings you are!!!

And now... Chapter 20!!!
(I can't wait for y'all to freak out about the ending)

TW: Very, very, very, briefly mentions suicide, teeny tiny almost panic attacks twice

|Previous chapter:

Climbing into bed, Logan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close so that my head was resting on his chest.

Listening to Logan's steady heartbeat, I thought about my family and just how lucky I was to have each and every one of them, and, as I fell asleep, I couldn't help the smile on my face.|

Roman POV:

Waking up the next morning, I yawned and stretched my arms before rubbing the urge to fall back asleep out of my eyes.

This is what you get for staying up past 3 am watching movies

Oh, shut up. Moana's a good movie, and it's common knowledge that you can't watch Disney movies one at a time. You should have known that I'd watch The Little Mermaid.

Still, you're gonna have the entire day to watch movies with Virgil and Deceit. Couldn't you have waited???

Absolutely not! The sea was calling me!!

Quit it with the Moana reference!!


Once I won the internal debate, I threw my blankets to the side and climbed out of bed. I immediately headed to the mirror in my bathroom to make sure my hair was pristine. There were a few sections sticking up towards the back of my head, reminding me of the feathers on a peacock. (A/N: No joke, that happens to me way more often than I'd care to admit. Sigh... short hair problems.) Of course, it was nothing a comb and some gel couldn't fix.

Still in my pajamas, I headed to the kitchen for breakfast, and the sight I saw when I walked in warmed my heart. Logan was sitting at the table working on what seemed to be a crossword puzzle, and Patton was standing behind him. Patton had his arms loosely wrapped around Logan, and his chin rested on his boyfriend's shoulder. Every few seconds, Patton would whisper a suggestion to Logan, who always checked to see if it fit.

Standing there watching, I couldn't handle the small squeal that escaped my lips. Although, as soon as I heard it, I clamped my hand over my mouth, praying that it didn't interrupt the couple.

Sadly my prayer was for naught, as Patton clearly heard me. I instantly saw him perk up and lift his head, looking over to where I was standing, trapped like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"Good morning, Roman!" he greeted me, sending a smile and quick wave my way.

"Good morning, Patton!" I replied. "And to you as well, Logan."

It was only when I said his name that Logan realized I was there. He looked up from the puzzle, his gaze darting around the kitchen before landing on me.

"Ah, greetings, Roman," Logan said, setting the puzzle aside and stretching his hands. Suddenly he looked over at Patton, his eyes wide.

"Patton??" he asked, and it was easy to tell that he was worried about something.

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