🌹Chapter 32🌹

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Alright, I lied last chapter. After this, there's gonna be three more chapters and an epilogue.

|Previous chapter:

"Congratulations," he laughed, tears running down his face from how hard he was laughing. "You officially aren't the last to know."|

TW: Crying, angst

Virgil POV:
The first thing I heard was hushed whispers. I slowly pried my eyes open, and I immediately had to close them to avoid being blinded by the light. Blinking, I allowed my eyes some time to adjust to the lights in the room I was in. Glancing around the room, I saw that I was lying in a bed next to a rack of machines. I felt a mask around my face, which strengthened my guess that I was in the hospital in the Imagination.

Continuing to look around the room, I saw Patton and Logan sitting close to the bed I was in while Deceit sat on a couch placed against a wall. From what I could hear of their whispered conversation, Patton and Logan seemed to be trying to convince Deceit of something.

"Patton?" I whispered, my voice hoarse, but even that whisper was enough to catch Patton's attention.

"Oh, Virgil!" Patton gasped, rushing to my side and brushing my bangs out of my face. "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" I asked, not remembering what happened after I talked to Dr. Picani.

"Well," Patton hesitated, glancing over to Logan and Deceit before turning back to me and talking rather fast. "YoucollapsedwhileyouwerewalkingtoDeceit'sroomearlier,and Picanisaidyouwereasphyxiating."

"Logan, translation, please?" I asked, knowing that Logan would be able to explain what I was confused about.

Logan smirked slightly, coming over to stand next to Patton. He wrapped one of his arms around Patton, and I couldn't help but grin at how adorable the two of them were.

"Do you remember what Roman told you earlier this evening?" Logan asked first.

I nodded, remembering the conversation we had. "Deceit has Hanahaki."

As soon as I said that, I heard a sigh from where Deceit sat, and I turned to him. His head hung low, and he was fiddling with his hands.

"De?" I asked, getting his attention.

When he looked up, I gasped. Tears were slowly running down his cheeks, and I could tell how much effort it took him not to completely break down.

"Oh, De," I croaked, feeling a lump forming in my throat as tears welled in my eyes. "C'mere."

I held out my arms, watching as Deceit slowly stood up and shuffled over to my bed. Once he was within reach, I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him onto the bed with me so that his head was resting on my chest.

After a few seconds, I felt Deceit start shaking, and I heard faint sobs coming from him. Glancing up at Patton and Logan, I caught their eyes and motioned towards the door. They got my idea and nodded before leaving the room, the door closing behind them.

Once the door clicked shut, I allowed my own tears to escape, letting out a shaky breath as I did so. "De, I'm so, so sorry."

"W-what d-don't y-you h-have to b-be s-sorry f-for?" Deceit asked between sobs, face hidden in my hoodie.

Closing my eyes, the past few months flashed through my mind as I responded. "I know what you're going through, and I feel so horrible that you're also going through it."

We were both silent for a few seconds before Deceit took a deep breath and spoke. "At least you don't have a chance with him."

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking down at him. "Surely you've got a chance with who you're in love with."

As soon as I finished speaking, Deceit shook his head slowly, sitting up as he did so. "Virge," he whispered, climbing off the bed and moving into a chair next to me. "I always had a-"

Deceit was cut off mid-sentence by a coughing fit. I sat there in shock as I watched him double over in his chair, hands flying up to his chest and mouth as he fought to remove the petals from his lungs.

At least, I thought it was just petals, but I was horrified when I saw a full purple rose fall to the floor.

Purple. Purple petals. Mine are red. His are purple.

As I realized what the color meant, I felt my blood turn to ice. Deceit's coughing fit had ended, and I saw the sadness on his face as if he knew his secret was out.

"No," I whispered, covering my mouth with a hand. I slowly shook my head, trying to convince myself that I was just overthinking the whole situation. "No, no, no no no no no. Deceit, please tell me it's not-"

Deceit cut me off with a whisper, a sad half-smile on his face as he spoke those words I dreaded hearing. "It's not you." 

I'm not sorry.

I'm gonna be on vacation starting 8/12 and returning sometime around 8/21. I might be able to quickly hop on Wattpad and check my email, but, like, I won't be publishing anything for a while.

Until next time,

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!!!


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