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Alright y'all, short storytime.

Yesterday, I was scrolling through Tumblr, and there was one post, totally unrelated to Sanders Sides, that made me have SO MANY IDEAS. (If ya wanna know what the post was, just, like... comment or pm me)

But the thing about the ideas is that it means that the end of this book is coming soon. And after lots of thinking and outlining, I was able to outline plots for 4 more chapters.

And I'm so excited for these 4 chapters 'cause shit is gonna go down, but I'm also really sad because I don't want this book to end. Like, I've been working on this book for so long, and I've had such an amazing time writing it and interacting with y'all and it's my baby and I don't want it to be over.

But fear not! After this book is over, I will be writing a sequel, book of deleted scenes, and companion book. THIS SERIES IS FAR FROM OVER, unlike this book.

But anyway, here are some highlights from the outlines:

Roman's Freaking Out™

Good, heartfelt conversation ensues, Roman cries, Patton comforts, and then Roman goes to bed.

Lo's just like, "It makes sense." Literally everyone shuts up, and V's just like, "the fuck???" (this is a personal favorite)

Cue what I wrote in my notepad when I first thought of this story. (I've been waiting for this scene since J U L Y)

And Roman Freaks Out™ again because HOLY CRAP (SO MUCH FREAKING OUT)

and everyone's silent until De says, "Congratulations. You're officially the last to know." and Ro's just like, "the fuck??????"

there's tears and hugging and a bunch of "I love you"s and many times Ro says, "I thought I lost you," and it's gonna be really sappy and fluffy,

Hanahaki Disease // Sanders Sides - VirgilWhere stories live. Discover now