Q&A - Virgil and Roman

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Once the others were gone, Virgil and Roman moved so that they were sitting on the couch, Virgil leaning against Roman's side while the other wrapped an arm around him.

At that, Taco had to repress a squeal at how adorable the two of them were. Instead, they moved to sit in a chair near them, pulling out a list of questions.

"Alright," Taco said. "So I was thinking that I'd alternate who I ask a question to. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great," Vigil said while Roman nodded beside him.

"Perfect," they said looking at the first question. "'Kay, DatGirlwithaPencil asked the first question, and it is 'Virgil, which side do you enjoy spending time with the most? (besides Roman :3).'"

"Oh gosh," Virgil murmured while Roman sniggered. Virgil turned to him. "What are you laughing about?"

"Nothing, my love," Roman said quickly. "Why don't you answer the question?"

"I'm thinking!" Virgil said, blushing profusely. After a moment, he turned back to Taco. "I'd probably have to go with Deceit."

"Awwww, that's cute," Taco whispered before reading the next question. "So this one's for both of you, but I'll have Roman answer first. Virgilsanders-_- asked, 'For Virgil. How far would you go to protect Roman? Same for Roman? How far would you go to protect Virgil?"

As soon as he heard the question, Roman laughed. "Oh, this is wonderful," he said in the midst of his laughter. "While all of us were playing truth or dare last week Patton asked both of us this."

"Oh my god," Taco said, starting to laugh as well. "What did you say?"

"Well, to quote what I said during the game," Roman said, his laughter stopping as he grew serious. "I will vanquish any villain that has the gall to try and harm him."

"Oh my god," Taco whispered before laughing. "That's almost exactly the same as a line in the rap battle you and Logan had."

"Precisely," Roman said, chuckling.

After a bit, Virgil spoke up. "I basically said that any motherfucker that tries to hurt Roman is a dead bitch."

"Solid," Taco said, nodding their head while laughing. "I'm guessing Patton wasn't fond of that answer."

"Oh, not at all!" Virgil chuckled. "He gave me a three-minute lecture."

"I timed it," Roman chimed in.

"Oh my," Taco laughed. "Alright, Roman, Aarmaulover000 asked, 'If there was anyone in the mind you could kill, [Like Elliott's ex] would you?'"

"Oh, definitely," Roman said without hesitation. "Although I probably wouldn't, like, actually kill them. I'd just ask Logan for help in killing them verbally."

"That's aggressive," Taco replied. "'Kay, K3A3P3 asked, 'Hey Virg... which song is better, Welcome to the Black Parade or I Write Sins Not Tragedies?'"

"Oh, definitely Welcome to the Black Parade," Virgil said immediately. "I mean, I Write Sins Not Tragedies is great too, but there's no way it could every beat Welcome to the Black Parade."

"Valid. I would have to agree," Taco said, to which Virgil nodded. "Roman, YaoiDokonidemo asked, 'Would you die for Virgil? Also love you 3000!'"

"Oh my god, nooooooooooo," Virgil cried, burying his face in Roman's shoulder.

"Is he still sensitive?" Taco asked Roman, and he nodded.

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