🌹Chapter 27🌹

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Okay... I just... I... I'm... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

18 chapters of this book have reached 1K+ reads, and the entire book has 35.1K reads... I'm in absolute shock. I'm so grateful that you are all reading this!!!

TW: tears, slight panic attack

I was gonna wait until tomorrow night to publish it, but I literally couldn't wait until then. Get ready for a 3,265 word feels trip, y'all.

|Previous chapter:

"Deceit, he..." Patton started to say again, and the waver in his voice was clear as dawn.

"He has Hanahaki."|

Roman POV:

After Patton spoke, I was frozen to my spot.

Deceit has Hanahaki... Someone else has Hanahaki, and there's nothing I can do to help them.

I felt so horrible that Deceit was suffering. I mean, yeah, we haven't gotten along in the past, but that doesn't mean that I want to see him in pain.

Hearing Patton's sniffles pulled me out of my thoughts, and I focused back in on Logan, who was talking Patton through a breathing exercise.

"...out for 8. Can you do that, Love?" Logan whispered, counting on his fingers.

I saw Patton nod before starting to exhale slowly, and I couldn't help the slight twinge of what might have been jealousy that appeared in my chest.

Before I could think about the twinge too much, Logan had walked over to where I stood, Patton trailing behind him.

"Roman?" Logan asked. "Are you doing alright?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but no sound came out. I felt like Ariel after Ursula had taken her voice.

"Ro?" Patton sniffed after a few seconds of me staying silent. "Are you okay?"

Hearing Patton speak, his voice so quiet and broken, I was finally able to talk.

"I-I guess so," I whispered timidly. "Do you think... do you think Deceit would mind... having some visitors?"

Both Logan and I looked to Patton, who took a few deep breaths before responding. "I-I don't know... but we can go ask him."

Logan nodded and wrapped an arm around Patton's shoulders, leading him towards Deceit's door, which left me to trail behind. Upon reaching his door, Patton escaped Logan's embrace and walked up to the door, knocking to announce his presence.

"Hey, De," he sighed. "It's Patton. Logan and Roman are also here. Can we talk to you?"

The three of us stood in silence, listening for a sound. It was a few seconds before we heard a cough and a quiet "no."

I sighed and turned to leave, but Patton just grinned and opened the door. When I saw that, I froze, confused as to why Patton was going in when Deceit said that we couldn't talk to him.

"Patton," I whispered. "What are you doing? He said no."

Instead of responding, Patton opened the door and motioned for us to enter before walking in.

Logan looked at me from where he stood in the doorway. "Deceit is unable to tell the truth anymore."

With that, he walked in, leaving me by myself in the hall to ponder what he said.

I didn't think about it too long before I walked in myself. Deceit's room was dark, save for the gentle glow of the green lava lamp that sat beside his desk. Deceit was lying in his bed, pillows propping him up in a half-sitting position. Patton sat on the edge of the bed next to Deceit, and Logan stood behind him, one hand resting on his shoulder.

Hanahaki Disease // Sanders Sides - VirgilWhere stories live. Discover now