🌹Chapter 35🌹

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Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm not ready for thiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssss................

Also, um... y'all are fecking amazing...

Like, 89.5K reads?????????? That's freaking insane.

Also... uh... can you tell that I'm stalling?????

I, like, don't want to accept that this is the last chapter.

Like, this book has been my baby for so long, and it's grown up so fast, and I don't want it to be done. Hhhnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Ok, ok, ok, ok ok ok ok ok ok ok I can do this...


|Previous chapter"

"Do you love me?"|

TW: Anxiety attack, crying, talks about surgery stuff for a bit, swearing, kissing.

Virgil POV:
The first thing I was aware of was someone typing on a computer next to me. The next thing I noticed was how easy it was for me to breathe.

Prying my eyes open, I was momentarily blinded by the lights in the room. My eyes adjusted after a few seconds, and I first noticed Dr. Picani having a whispered conversation with Valerie next to my bed while Valerie typed something into a computer.

After a minute, the noticed I was awake, and they quickly stopped talking.

"Hello, Virgil!" Picani said, coming to sit on the edge of my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Great," I said, taking a deep breath as I cherished the feeling. "I haven't been able to breathe this well in months. It's amazing."

"Wonderful," Picani nodded, a puzzled expression crossing his face.

"Is something wrong?" I hesitantly ask, the familiar feeling of anxiety pressing in on me.

"No, nothing is wrong, Virgil," Picani quickly reassured, placing a hand on my knee. "It's just that your case has confused all of us greatly."

"Oh??" I hummed, "W-why are you guys confused?"

"Well, to put it simply," Picani started. "After you went under, we took you back for a scan before the surgery, and, by the time we did the scan, all of the petals in your lungs had disappeared."

"What???" I whispered, not fully understanding what he said.

"We ended up not doing the surgery because of that," Picani finished.

"S-so I didn't get the surgery," I hesitantly said, the meaning of what he said hitting me mid-sentence. "Because the petals disappeared..."

"Mhm," Picani hummed, nodding. "I'm going to go tell the others if that's alright with you."

"T-that's fine," I said, looking at my sheets as Picani stood up and left, leaving the door partly open.

As soon as Picani was out of the room, my breathing picked up.

"Holy shit," I murmured, getting up out of my bed and starting to pace the floor. "The petals are gone, and I didn't get the surgery... That means..."

I stopped my pacing mid-sentence, not fully believing what I thought happened.

"That means Roman's in love with me," I whispered, shaking my head even as I spoke, continuing to pace. "No, that's... that's impossible, he hated me for months, and he thinks of me as a friend. He said so himself."

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