🌹Chapter 25🌹

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I know I said that I'd take a break, but I was literally just lying on my couch on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and I got super bored and decided to write.

Also, thank you so much for 16k reads!!!! This is insane, and y'all are incredible!!!!!!

TW: Panic attack, mentions suicide, crying

|Previous chapter:

I was cut off by Roman running into my room carrying a leather-bound book. He came to a halt at the side of my bed and set the book down on the blankets. Bending over and placing his hands on his knees, he paused to catch his breath before looking at me.

"Virgil, it was all a dream."|

Virgil POV: 

I sat there on my bed, blinking at Roman as he leaned against my bed trying to catch his breath. His usually pristine hair was askew, hanging over his eyes, and his shirt and sash were wrinkled, and I couldn't help but admire him. He was usually so put together and removed, but he seemed so human now.

"It was... all a... dream..." he gasped out again, still doubled over.

We were all silent for a few minutes as Roman finally caught his breath. When he stood up, I caught a glimpse of his face, and I couldn't help the inaudible gasp that escaped me. Roman's cheeks were flushed a pale pink from running, and his eyes had a sparkle in them that I had never seen before.

I stared at him a few seconds longer before remembering the situation, which caused me to burst out laughing. I clutched my sides, falling backward onto my bed as the laughter shook my body. After a while, the laughter died down and I was able to sit up again. Both Roman and Dr. Picani were looking at me as if I had grown a second head as I tried to catch my breath. 

As I tried to slow my breathing, I felt an all too familiar pressure building up in my lungs. Immediately, my heart started pounding to the point I could feel it in my ears. I could feel panic building up inside of me along with the petals. I glanced around the room, trying to find somewhere I could go to escape. My eyes landed on the door to my bathroom, and I scrambled to get off my bed. 

Stumbling over to my bathroom, I collapsed onto the tile floor as the urge to cough overpowered me. The coughing fit wracked my frame, and I had to brace myself by placing a hand on the floor as I leaned on the sink. 

I was vaguely aware of Dr. Picani and Roman rushing into the bathroom after me, but I was more focused on not choking. As I sat there, I thought about just how much my Hanahaki Disease had ruined things. I knew for a fact that Patton and Logan were both under a lot more stress than they had been before, and I couldn't even begin to imagine how that must be affecting Thomas. He hadn't been able to work on a video since before my attempt even, and, now that I was practically on bed rest, I knew that he hadn't been working on any. 

I was so frustrated with myself and my emotions, which, mixed with the emotional turmoil of the past day, caused me to start crying during the middle of the coughing fit. Soon, sobs mixed in with coughs, making breathing go from very difficult to nearly impossible and leaving me gasping for even the tiniest breath. 

I felt a hand gently rest on my back, and I turned my head to see Roman kneeling next to me. Flinching, I tried to move away from Roman, but he only moved closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"Hey," he whispered, pulling me closer so that my head was resting on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay. Just try and relax, okay?" 

I nodded slightly, turning my head so that my face was hidden in his neck. One of my arms snaked around Romans back, holding me to him. I heard Roman continue to whisper encouragement to me as he started rubbing circles on my back. The tone of voice he was using, combined with the comfort from the hug, quickly calmed me, and all that was left of the coughing and crying were my uneven breathing and some hiccups. 

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