come back | peter P. + tony + reader

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warning: depression shit coming your way after
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warning: depression shit coming your way after______  ❈ _____

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y/n falls asleep instantly once her/his head hits the pillow after a long day at school. As if on cue, her/his brain gives her/him something to dream about. But something about this dream seemed off to her/him. This dream felt like reality but y/n keep saying to herself/himself that it isn’t because Peter is sitting in front of her/him.

Peter has tears running down his face as a sob racks through his body. Bucky appears and sits down next to him. “Hey kid, what’s wrong?” Bucky asks Peter as he wraps his arms around his shoulder.

“I shouldn’t have left Mister Stark,” He sobs out as he places his hands over his face, trying to shield himself. Then Peter Quill appears in y/n’s vision and looks at Peter Parker. As if sensing someone standing near him, Peter P. looks up and instantly frowns angrily. “It’s all your fault,” Peter P. says as he swiftly stands up having Bucky stand up quickly as well in case something breaks out.

Quill lets out a nervous chuckle as he looks at Peter. “What is my fault?” He says as he frowns his eyebrows at Peter.

“THIS! ALL OF THIS!” Peter says as he throws his hands out emphasizing everything around him. “IF YOU DIDN’T LET YOUR FEELINGS GET IN THE WAY, WE WOULDN’T HAVE LOST AGAINST THANOS!” Peter says as he steps closer towards Quill.

“How could it be my fault?” Quill asks clearly still confused only angering Peter more.

“WE LOST AGAINST THANOS BECAUSE YOU DISTRACTED YOURSELF!” Peter said as he stepped a little closer.

“Still don’t see how it’s my fault,” Quill says with a shrug.

Peter shakes his head and turns around as if to leave but quickly turns around and punches Quill square in the jaw. Bucky quickly wraps his arms around Peter, pulling him away from Quill before anything more drastic happened.

“What the hell man!?” Quill said as he held his jaw and looked at Peter with a shocked look.

“IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT WE’RE HERE! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!” Peter cries out as he starts to breathe rapidly scaring Bucky and Sam.

“It’s all his fault --- it’s all his fault I’m here and not there with Aunt May, Mister Stark, and --- and my girlfriend/boyfriend,” Peter mumbles as he continues to breathe rapidly and heavier sobs rack through Peter.

“Hey --- Hey Peter, you’re okay, everything is going to be okay,” Sam said as he kneeled in front of Peter. Bucky continues to hold Peter securely close to him as he gives Quill a death-like-look.

Gamora soon comes into view and makes her way to where she heard the commotion. She looks at Quill holding his jaw which causes her to look at him confused, then her gaze turns to where Peter continues to sob uncontrollably in Bucky’s arm with Sam trying to help him calm down.

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