Chapter 2 New Home

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I knock and knock on the door for a few seconds like I was told to do so by Hendol before he drove off a few seconds ago and a guy opens the door, he's still wearing his pajamas which surprises me considering how grown he is and he looks like I just woke him up from a sweet dream, from his beauty sleep of course" good morning sir, I'm Jake and I think that I met your wife yesterday and this was the address that she told me.." and he stops me " of course you're Jake, come right in buddy." and he just pulls me inside in a friendly way, too friendly even, which is weird to me and he close the door behind me " go ahead and take a seat, wait no.. do you want some breakfast, I was just about to-" and he stops to get my answer even though he doesn't seem to care about finishing what he wants to ask " no I had breakfast already but thank you for the offer" Mel made me a good breakfast, he looks older than his wife , I'd say he's five or six years older than her and there's something in his eyes even though he seems excited at the moment , something that I can easily see in people, something that I easily see in my own eyes when I look in the mirror, pain, the same pain that makes me wants to cry everyday, kill myself even , give in but I can't because I was expected to be a strong role model for the people that I met on the road, many people think that I'm too emotional for a guy but I don't see things like that, I see things in a totally different way " well if you're sure.. I'm Brut by the way."

" Nice to meet you Mr.Brut"

" You too Jake, I want you to feel free here because it's your home too now." He says and suddenly I feel like a bossman being kissed up to " Thank you sir." and he walks over, stand next to the steps and he yells " guys come meet Jake, the new guy!" and then he walks in the kitchen without looking back to see if his call was delivered, if it went through successfully and then a few seconds while still seating in the living room sofa, they walk down the steps, they look exactly like you would expect all twins to look, they would pass for the same person if it wasn't the huge differences in the way that they're dressed, one is wearing all pink, so pink that if you look too closely it'll probably hurt your eyes, girl gym pants, pink tank top, pink Nike shoes while the other is wearing faded blue jeans, polo Tshirt and Jordan shoes, one that I'm sure came out about a year ago or so " you must be Jake." The one with the pink says, while I was expecting blue jeans to talk first and before I can answer and tell him that I am the one and only, he interrupts " I'm Kurt and it's nice to meet you, you're hotter in person." And then he look at his brother as if there's something he's trying to convince.

" It's nice to meet you too Kurt.." and I look at his brother and he says his name too as if he knew what I was thinking " I'm Kurtis and we're twins." I don't say anything else to him after saying that it is nice to meet him, I mean it's obvious that they're twins though so clearly I didn't have to answer to that " so how old are you? Kurt ask and I can see that he can't wait for me to tell him so that he can tell me his age too, it's like one of those times when you can't see if someone is really just asking you a rhetorical question or not " I'm 16 years old today" and Kurtis look at me as if he's shocked, as if it's so hard to believe " wow I thought you were 18 or something" he says still in disbelief, I mean I work out a few times a day to keep healthy, I play lots of sports and I may look a little taller and older than most for my age but I don't look that old " you're not the first to think that, if I was 18 I wouldn't be here so... what about you guys? I ask them but I can take a guess and say that they're the same age as me, at least I know that I'm asking them a rhetorical question " we've just turn 16 today too" Kurtis says and then Kurt respond excitedly " Oh M G, we're twins, all three of us!"

" Actually it's just a random thing, I'm the only twin you have, sucker!" Kurtis tells him and he gives Kurtis a disappointed look, like what he's told is something that he's tired of hearing, something that he's been hearing his whole life " you want to be my roommate, my room is large and it could take two large beds" I'm glad that this guy is excited and all, but sharing a room with someone as gay as he seems just isn't my thing, I have history with gay people and it isn't a good one, not for the gay ones that I knew at least, Plus it's not even up to me yet " where's Mrs.Lina ? I ask and they both gives me confuse looks instead of answering which tell me exactly that they have no idea where she is, which clearly means she isn't home and didn't tell them where she was going" which of us do you want to be your roommate Jake ? Kurt ask again and I can tell that he wants me to say him badly, I mean I clearly has nothing against gay people if that's what he is but I'm just not the one to choose my roommate, this isn't my house and there's a low amount of chance that it may someday be " you guys can decide that for me since you guys were here before me" I respond hoping they'll agree on me sharing a room with Kurtis instead and Kurt tell me to follow him up to his room with the gym bag I have and I obey, I walk in the room when we get there and there's posters everywhere, posters of sexy girls in bikini and posters of models, singing pop stars like Miley Cyrus and more like her, half naked " you like my room? he ask and I don't answer, I can't answer, I mean he wears gay clothes and talk like a gay person and has posters of naked girls in his room so what should I tell him " it's large enough if you want to stay in this room " he tells me, not waiting for me to answer his previous question but this time without the gay vibe that he had give me earlier " Can I ask you something very personal, not that it has anything to do with me?"

" Yeah sure I guess."

" Are you gay or not?"

" Not, if it's my clothes and how I'm talking then you're confused and I must explain, my brother and I are having a bet." I open my mouth to ask him what's the bet but he tells me before I can even get the right words out to ask " the bet is to be the other for two weeks, he says that I don't know what his life is like being himself, I told him the same about my life being his bother, being the brother of a gay boy, the one who gives up first has to pay up 100 dollars asap."

" So your brother is gay?" I ask and feels stupid about it, seeing the irony of things " I don't even know what he is to be honest" and I can tell that he wants to change the subject already and so I do it " so how long have you guys been here? I ask and he already knows what I mean " since we were two years old, Mr.Brut had took us in with his first wife and then she left us and then he met Lina who we just loves so much, they say they're married but there's no rings and we let them" and he walks over and open the closet " you see it's large enough for two people." and I walk over to take a closer look for myself, he isn't kidding, I think three people could share the closet at once " where's the bathroom?" I ask after observing the closet for a few more seconds, hoping it's as large and he walks over to another door that's in the room and opens it and there's a little hall, I follow him as he shows the way and we finally come to the bathroom which contains a toilet, huge tub and double sinks with a large mirror which I'm sure will be my new best friend " this is a huge house"

" Yeah it is and I think with no doubt that you're going to love it here."

" Is there rules that I should know about though?" I ask him and something bugs me about it, as if I should be asking the owner the questions containing rules instead " there's only three rules, don't get arrested, don't stay out pass 11 pm, and don't hook up with any of us in here, we're basically brothers so it'll be wrong, which brings me to the girl that is also coming here today.." He says and he continues " you're not the only one, I hear that her name is Haylie and that she's a bad ass"

" A bad ass?" I ask but trying to ask him what he means, I mean how would he know that about her already " I'm kidding, I made the bad ass part up but I do know that she's hot, I saw a picture of her " and before I can say anything he goes on " she's going to be a problem for me and you, considering we're not gay like my stupid brother, we can't have any feelings for her and she can't have any for us or we'll all be thrown out of here pronto" and he turn to walk back to the room and I follow, through the same hall that we came " so what do you like to do most? he ask as we walk back " looking in the mirror" he look at me after and I would say that he doesn't believe me " is that what you tell people or is that what you really like to do when you have time to waste?"

" Does it really matter?" I ask even though I know that it does " yeah it does because a lie can lead to a bigger lie, till we actually believe in it ourselves." and he start to laugh " sorry I watch too much movies, I don't even know what I just said."

" It's straight, I don't know what you've just said either."

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