Chapter 25 Results

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Dear Journal......

Yesterday after afternoon I got my car, it's a Toyota of course and the day before that, Brut took me to take the drivers test and I passed it, it was mostly common sense, I actually knew how to drive and so I get to ride my car for the first time today, I'm going to the hospital after school to get Jordan out, he's not fully recovered but Shenan told me he's ready to come home and since his dad is in prison, I have to go take him home, as for my mother, journal, I haven't heard of her, last time I heard of her was at the hospital when my father had beat her. I remember talking to Haylie a few days earlier after we had sex " what happened to your face?" she asked and I held nothing back, I told her everything about Jordan, Me, Vandedues, and my mother " I'm sorry." was all she said and she started acting weird about it, she has not said a word to me ever since that afternoon and I'm wondering if it was about what we did or my situation , maybe what we did was a mistake, maybe it was a mistake to her but not to me. And the others forgiven her for how they acted after Kurt had told her about the death and she kept it from them, Kurt is home now but he's not going to be for long, the cops decides to put him on house arrest till he turns 18 years old, they say they'll take him to jail then, what I don't get is why he isn't telling them that he wasn't the one to pull that trigger, Brut and Lina beg him to tell the truth, hoping that the punishment won't be the same but he's not going to do it, he told us all that if any of us were to ever tell anyone what really happened then he would never forgive us, forgive himself and that he would kill himself and so that's why we have to watch him go to jail, as his own family. I asked myself what I would do if that was me in his position every time I looked him in the eyes and no answer came to me, came to be, I guess I've never been actually free of making choices yet.

I close the journal and I put it back in my book bag along with my blue pen and put the bag under my bed and then Kurt ask with the ankle bracelet around his ankle as tightly as possible, can not be taken off by nothing unless it's the person that had put it that's talking it off, for the first time " why are you always writing in that thing? " because it keeps me from losing it, from going crazy." I tell him hoping he isn't going to judge and he look at me as if I'm difficult to understand and then change the subject " here I want you to buy something for me when you're coming home from school." he says and I ask him if he's not going to school, considering the fact that school and home are the only two places that he can actually be at, I guess they're afraid something might happen, like him fleeing the country " no I'm not going to school ever again, I'm a killer remember, what did you think was going to happened after my face ended up in that news channel as the killer of popular super star Hernando Jeffdeson?" and I don't answer, considering it's one of those question and considering I was the one that had give him the money he needed for that gun " so what is it you want me to buy you?" I ask and he's quick to answer " five bags of chips, a soda, and keep the change." " it's just a dollar change." I tell him counting how much the bags of chips and the sodas cost and he smile " I know." I walk out and I see Haylie, she stares for a second and then just walk back inside the room but she isn't dressed for school and so I walk in her room behind her and Kurtis put the hair brush which he was using down and give me a confused look " what are you doing?" he ask and Haylie turn back around "you're not going to school today?" I ask her and she shake her head, saying right after " no I'm sick." and Kurtis pack his school things and just walk out, not caring about the fact that I ignored his question " I hope you feel better ok." I tell her and she doesn't say anything except nods. I walk down after and Lina is watching television, more comfortable than I've ever seen her " hey mom." I say to her for the first time and it feels weird inside and out of me " hey precious." she says sounding more weirder than me calling her mom " how did you sleep?" and she says " great and I'm off today." " that's amazing, what do you plan on doing? and suddenly she looks like she's been reminded of something " what is it?" I ask and she says with a joyful smile in which I thought didn't exist for her, the fact that she works so hard " we are going to a wedding, it's an inside wedding." she says surprisingly when I expected another family day out, another Kurt and Kurtis ruined day " wow really?" I still manage to ask and she nods, putting the volume completely down and says " well Brut's friend and business partner is the one getting married, he invited Brut and said that the whole family was also invited and that we could tag people along." and she pause as if there's more but she's afraid of ruining it " Kurt?" I ask her, asking her how she's going to break the news to him, that he can't be there " I'm just going to tell him that he can't come, I don't even know what I'm going to do about his situation, me and Brut have been talking about getting a lawyer." she continues " if he won't help himself then we have to do it for him." " but he told you guys not to get in it." I remind her, hoping she doesn't take it as if I'm trying to defend him on the situation I know what Kurt said and I also know that he's not the owner of this house" and she has never sounded more serious about talking in matters " well I'll be late, bye." I tell her and she says with concern " drive smart." and I tell her what I'll exactly do, I'll do better than driving smart " I'll drive safe." As I make my way towards the new car, my new car, I see Danny shockingly and he approaches me in his morning running outfit and stop " what's going on man?" he continues, sounding like Jordan suddenly, when he wanted to know about Haylie yesterday morning when I went to see him " so you're back." I say not caring how he takes it, not caring if he thinks that I'm trying to make him go again, travel again " yeah things didn't work out for me." he says as if what he lost there wasn't strong enough to keep him on the ground " are you going -" and he cut me off " Is Haylie going to school today? " no she's not but she's sick so I'd keep my distance if I were you." I tell him, sounding as if I'm talking about what ever Haylie has being contagious " oh it's fine, I'm a big guy so I can handle it." he says " Why don't you go on now, don't want to be late for school now do we?" and I just ignore him and he make his way towards the front door after checking his watch " see ya.."

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