Chapter 20 New Day

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Dear Journal,

last night was the best night of my life here so far, even though part of it wasn't unexpected, it still was great. Me and Haylie danced last night when I got home and I think there was something in the air, I think she's finally seeing me as I see her, more than just a girl that I have to be in the same foster home with, Also Journal, Jordan's dad is my dad, turned out Jordan and his mom were the main reasons that Vandedues couldn't stay and take care of me and my mom, Jordan and his dead mom are the reasons I'm here today, which means Jordan is living my life, with my dad. I don't care if Jordan is older than me, I don't care if he was born first, the guy should have had stayed for me and my mom.

" so ready for school?" I ask Kurt considering the fact that many of the kids in school knew that he ran from home and will try to make fun of him for it " yes I'm ready, today is going to be a different day." he says unexpectedly and I look into his eyes to see if he means it in a great way or bad way, or maybe a little bit of both " hey I believe in you man, be brave today." I say supportively and he says in response that he knows that and then he says " I have nothing to worry about, I am going back to school and I am going to be the best that I could be no matter what anyone does or say to put me down." and I pat him on the shoulder " that's great man, let's go." and we take out with our book bags and we walk down to find everyone else standing in front of the television in the living room, the news channel is on and a picture of a missing person is on the screen " what's going on? I ask and everyone turn around, Haylie before everyone else, her eyes meets my and she look pass me as quickly as possible as if she doesn't want the others to catch her peeking at me " well one of Kurt's teammates in the football team is missing, didn't go home after homecoming." and I look at the teenage guy in the television again, he's pretty big for his age " Hernando." Kurt says and doesn't seem surprised by the news " I hope he isn't found!" Kurt continues and walk towards the kitchen " Kurt that isn't right!" Lina then says before Kurt could walk in the kitchen and Kurt stops and turn around angrily " I don't care, do you see what his big sweaty self and his friends did to my face?!" and Lina doesn't say anything else, she walk up to him and hug him, like a baby bird stays close to its mother " baby it doesn't matter what anyone do to us, we can't pray for bad things to happen to them, everyone has a reason for doing bad to others." she tells him softly as if she's afraid he might blow up his top and run away again " not in my book, I don't want breakfast anymore." he says and stop hugging her, turning around and making his way straight out the front door. Lina looks at us as if she wants to say something else but is afraid that someone else might walk out and she says " let's go in the kitchen for breakfast." and she walks in and we follow, Brut closing the television behind him. " So I got the new schedules." Brut says and Haylie gives him a confused look " what are you talking about?" and he respond without thinking twice about it " well the school changed the schedules, you guys are new so get you to all this schedule changing headache." and then he hands us the opened letters " thank you." I take mine from him and it doesn't say to the parents or guardians of Jake but instead Haylie "this is yours." we both say at the same time and everyone stop to stare, I hand her hers and she hand me mine, I touch her hand for the first time this morning and it feels like I've actually been touching since forever now " so do I get a new schedule too?" Kurtis ask and Brut just ignores him " boy hush, you know that you're not new." Lina says and then he just continue eating his breakfast without more interruptions to us.


The three of us walk out and Kurt is sitting in his car, I walk over and I get in and close the door, looking at Jake as he walk towards Kurtis car in his yellow small size T-shirt that makes him look bigger and buffer than he is, his tight black jeans that I usually see Kurt wear " are you okay?" I ask him and he looks nervous " you didn't tell anyone about what I told you last night, did you?" he ask more worried than ever and I tell him " no I didn't, I know how to keep a secret." but inside I just want to scream it out, never in my life has a secret just wants to get out of me so badly, what Kurt told me last night is the biggest secret that I've ever had to keep, I just feel like telling someone, as if, if I don't tell someone, it'll kill me. I think Kurt was feeling the same way that I feel now, I think that it's exactly why he figured that he had to tell someone, that someone just happened to be me, should I be afraid of what I know or honored that he trusted me enough to tell me " what should I do now? he ask more afraid than he ever looked ever since I've met him and I don't know what to tell him, I have never once in my life have been asked for advise in a situation this bad, I'm beginning to feel like I'm a huge part of making this situation complicated " What do you think that you should do?" I ask him instead of answering for him, considering that I have no real honest answer for myself or him " I don't know, let's just stop talking about it." he says and then he starts the car, driving more quietly than ever, with his hands shaking a little " everything will be fine" I say hoping that it'll calm him down for at least till we get to school. Why does he have to be the one to feel so responsible for this is what I can't seem to understand, what happened was bad but he isn't the main person to blame no matter if it seems that way " I'm going to jail Haylie."


I get out of the car and Kurtis follows me, I don't walk pass by where me and Jordan usually hangs before class and Kurtis ask when I told him that I didn't want to pass by that certain hangout spot " why, aren't you guys friends anymore?" and I tell him " no we're not." and he doesn't ask why which is good considering the real reasons, we love the same girl, he stole my poem, and my father thought that he was more important than me, that staying in my life wasn't as important as staying in his life, all I ever got was a name in a certificate and he got a full dad, had a house and people to call family " whoa!" Kurtis says and I turn to see what he's so excited about " check him out" he continues and I look at the guy, a little taller than Kurtis but a little short than me, he has on short blue bleached jeans, ones that I was told to never wear, with light blue Nike shoes that I was also told never to woer, and a white T-shirt with sunglasses, which I used to always told him to wore only when there's actual sun " I want him Kurtis says." and I push him down " Sorry to rain on your little parade but he's not gay." and he looks at me like I'm some kind of little dream killer and then ask " and how do you know that?" and gladly I answer " because that is Luke, me and him used to be foster brothers, the question is why is he here?" and I walk over to catch Luke and Kurtis follows " Hey remember me." I say without saying anything else " Jake how could I ever forget you, you made my top list for sadness losers in the world." " Really." I ask " because I thought you were unbeatable in that certain position." and he just laughs as if he's bullet proof and nothing, not insults can get to him " not that I care but why are you here?" and he says " well I live with my dad now." " what?" I ask "finally realize that your mom is a lunatic? I ask remembering how many times that he had made fun of me when I lived with his mother and him " that and I heard that there was cute babes in this school." and Kurtis says hi to him " I see you made friends." he says ignoring Kurtis greeting " why the gay ones though?" and before I answer to tell him to stop being a jerk for just this once, Kurtis answers instead " now I see why your dad left you mother, she give birth to things like you." he looks at Kurtis angrily as if someone finally got to him and I could already tell what he is going to do, he throws a punch but I hold his hand before he hit Kurtis " not my little brother." and I push him back, he almost fall on his behind, we turn around and leave.


I sit in my first period class, on the bleachers, I can't believe they change all my other classes orders but this one wasn't changed, Jake walks in the door suddenly and I put my head down so he doesn't look at me or see me looking at him " Hi." he says a few seconds after and he sits to my right " hey." I say hoping that he doesn't bring up what happened last night but he does it anyway " so about last night?" he ask and I search my brain for things to say to him but nothing comes up " are you going to say anything? he ask a few seconds after when he sees that I don't say anything " Hi Jake!" the voice says loudly suddenly and it's Katline, passing by to go to her side of the gym, to her class with her cheerleading friends " what's up!" Jake says and she tell him that everything is good right after " great, I'll see you later." he says and she smiles and says ok, and it doesn't just look like a smile anymore, I think she's serious about him suddenly, I don't know what happened between them last night at homecoming but there is no way in hell that I'll never let Jake gets with her " ok class I'm here, which means that anyone who is talking needs to shut the beezbeez up." Harding says as she approaches the bleachers " Jakie come up here before I take attendance, there's something I want to tell you." and he obeys and walk over to her, she whispers something into his ear softly and then tell him " go sit down now." tapping him in the butt when he turns around to come back to his seat " class today we are going to do a running test but first let's do attendance, she says the names in alphabetical order and when she gets to mine I say as loud for her to hear as possible " here!" and she looks towards me and smile " hi Haylie." she then says standing me out of the whole call as if we are friends " hi Ms.Harding." I answer politely " how was your homecoming? she ask and I look at Jake who wasn't paying any attention to the attendance and he's looking at me suddenly as if he can't wait to hear my answer too " well it was something." I tell her and Jake looks away as if he was expecting me to say more, to say something better. Then Harding continues with the attendance " Jordan Miller?" she ask and there's no answer and suddenly Jake looks pissed as if that's the last thing he wanted to hear this morning, as if he's mad at Jordan for something else other than me, other than him stealing his poem.

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