Chapter 17 Dance

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I walk back inside and there's not as much people as there was after I walked out to get some space minutes ago, I know I missed the king and queen ceremony and I think that I didn't win, Chase is wearing the crown , I may had win and wasn't there to accept so they give it to him or he had won fairly. One good thing that did came out of this night is Katline, she's wearing the crown which means she won what she came here to win, I did promise Katline one thing " hi my queen ." I say to her where she's seating and she turn around and looks at me with disappointment " what happened, why didn't you accept your crown, where did you go?" She says " you did win Jake, I was looking forward to that dance." and she gets up to leave I guess, I hold her hand before she could leave " wait Katline ." and she look at me " the night isn't over, we still have 15 minutes." and I walk her to the dance floor " wait here, as the queen, there's something that I could do." and she walk all the way to the DJ and she whispers something to him and he just nod twice, she walk back to me and I ask her " what did you tell him?" and she says as softly as she can " just wait, you'll see." And the song that was playing suddenly stops and the DJ says into his mic " well our next song is chosen by our homecoming queen herself, it's one of her favorite songs of all time." and he starts to play Journey's " Don't stop believin" and I hold her closer, puts my hands around her waist and she puts her hands on my shoulders, our copious body contacting, it's more hugging than dancing, we stay on the beat, just so we don't get an awkward rocking back and forth " you're still my king tonight, even without that crown." she says and I softly whispers into her ear " oh I know." And I don't say anything else but she smile like this night couldn't ever get any better for her, as if this is the night that she's been dreaming of all her life. After the Journey song stops playing she ask me if I want to leave and I say no, looking at the clock, that I want to dance to one more song with her and she goes along with it " go ask the DJ to play another one of your favorite songs." I tell her and she doesn't agree " no tell me one of your favorites and I'll tell him to play that instead." she says and I obey, fairly I say the first song that comes to my mind and she rush over to the DJ like before and the DJ doesn't complain, he play the song after she rush back to my arm, Wild Horses by Antonia featuring Jay Sean.


He parks the car and walks Mia home, all drunk and then a few minutes later he walks back and then he gets back in the car, he drives the car without saying a word and when he later stops the car at my house he stops me before I get out " so what did you think of tonight?" and before I ask him what he means, he continues " should we be a thing again?" and he seems disparate for an immediate answer and I give him my most honest one " Jordan you are such an amazing guy, strong, and very romantic but tonight taught me something important-"

" what did tonight....what have you learned tonight?" and I look at him, how in love he seems to be with me, how afraid he's looking for an answer suddenly " that when something strong as what we had is lost, it won't be as strong when put back together, we had something but it's not as strong anymore, for me at least." and still looking desperate, he ask me why, why we're not as strong anymore " I think that I'm into someone else." and suddenly his looks change from desperate to anger " it's Jake, you knew he had wrote you that poem and you let me act like a fool to thank we had a chance." he says surprisingly " wait what did you just say?" and he just looks stupid, he knows that he just messed up badly " so you didn't write that poem but you lied and said you did." and he try to apologize but I don't let him, what he has done is unforgivable and very selfish, there's something different about Jordan now and I'm just figuring what it is in this very moment " no just take me home please!"

" You're getting worked up over the wrong thing" he says as he drives and I ignore him, I turn my face outside to look at the window instead of looking at him " Haylie what I did, stealing credits for that poem was all for you and I'm sorry if you think it's selfish." and still I don't say anything to him. When we arrive, I get out of his car still without a word to him and I slam his car door, he doesn't drive off till I knock on the door and Lina opens up though as if I need him to watch over me, I walk inside and Lina ask me if I'm okay and I tell her with full honesty that I'm not and she says after " well you're going to be, I have something that's going to cheer you up, follow me." and I do, I follow her to the kitchen and Brut is standing next to Kurtis, who's still in his fancy homecoming clothes and in one of the chairs is Kurt, sitting there like a lost angel being found, like a lost sheep finding its way back home and he get up suddenly and approaches me, I don't let any seconds fly by, I give him the biggest welcome back home huge I have ever given to anyone " oh my god you're back, what changed your mind?" I ask trying not to have him think that I'm not happy that he Changed his mind. my phone vibrates suddenly and I take a quick look at it and it's a I'm sorry text from Jordan, one that I delete the moment that I read it " everything okay?" Brut ask me and I say yes " everything's fine." and I embrace Kurt again " someone taught me something important tonight, that no where in this world could be safer than home, no matter what the condition is at home." he says and continues " I love you guys unconditionally." and Brut ask us to bring it in and we all hug. I'm truly happy that Kurt is back home safely, whoever that person is, that inspired him to come home sounds very intelligent and pretty familiar, I just got to ask Kurt confirm that it's who I think it might have been.

Minutes Later.....

"Kurt tell me, was it Jake that told you to come home?" I ask him making sure that the door is closed first and he looks at me surprised and I could tell that he's probably wondering why I guessed that it was Jake " yeah it was him." He says and then looks down sadly, I walk closer to him and ask him what's wrong and he says the word, the most shockingly, surprisingly words that I've ever heard from him.


" I didn't know anything about any after party." and she looks at me as if she's wondering where I have been " what?!" she says in disbelief " the after party is at my house, I thought you knew." and I tell her that I didn't know " well it doesn't matter, you want to go?" " and who's going to drive me home after that?" I ask her and she says she is " ok then let's go to your house then." and I look at the backseats and they're empty " so where are the girls that came with us?" " they found themselves other rides, so did you danced with Haylie at all?" She ask changing the subject " No, and why would I?" " I don't know, because you like her." she says auguring a fair point " well Jordan didn't leave her side at all and it would've been weird to considering she doesn't see me the same way." " I understand." she says and then starts to drive little faster " if Haylie is losing out on you, than just know that I'm still single and would totally say yes if you ask me to be your girlfriend ." and she smile as if she's giving me advice to go for another, as if she's telling me to ask her out in code and I force one also hoping that I'm not leading her on. We arrive at her place eventually and even though she wasn't at home, it seems like the party started outside " wow you have a lots of friends." and she agrees and then we get out of the car, I notice that Jordan is standing in the crowd too " who's ready to party!!" She says taking out her keys after we gets out of the car " my parents aren't home so let's go have a good time!" and the crowd let her through, she open the door and walk inside with the crowd following her inside savagely. I walk in after the last one and Jordan sees me and he walk over, looking more angrily than ever " good job Jake, you won, Haylie picked you over me, me and Haylie had something really special and all it took to destroyed that was just a poem from you, let that be sign to you for when she's with you."

" And what is that suppose to mean?" I ask him and he look at me as if he talking to a dumb person, the dumbest person in the planet " she's just a traitor, she's just good at abandoning people is what I'm saying, she'll leave you for another eventually." " you're the one to talk huh, you were raised by the biggest traitor alive, your dad." and he seems more angry suddenly as if I touched just the right spots " you don't know anything about my father." and I fully disagree with him because I do " neither do you!" and he gives me a confused look as if I don't know what I'm talking about, as if Mia knew what she was talking about when she said he doesn't know " ask your father about your half brother that he's forgotten to mention to you all your life!" and he bump me a little and just leaves without another word.

At 4:25 am the after party ends, me and Katline make everyone leaves, I help her clean up the place a little and then she says " thank you for this night to remember Jake, from now on, I'll always consider you as a true friend." " anytime." and then after that she drives me home, she gives me a hug after I get out of the car and kiss me, dangerously close to my lips and then she says goodnight " I'll see you tomorrow." and she walk back to the car, get in and she drives away and when I get to the front door thinking that I'm going to knock so someone could open up, it opens and Haylie is standing there in her pajamas " you've finally come home, I thought something happened, I was worried, we all were but then Kitty told Kurtis about the after party." " yeah I was with Katline." and she says after " I know, it was taking place at her house I heard." " so where is the others?" I ask " Kurtis, Brut, Lina were tired and so they went to sleep." and before I comment she continues " oh and Kurt too." and give me a smile " wait Kurt is back?" I act as if I'm surprised, as if I didn't have a conversation with him earlier at homecoming " what you did was sweet." she says as I walk towards the steps " the poem?" I ask nervously and she says no " not just that, Kurt told me why he's back." " well I was trying to help that's all." and she walk over, stand closer to me than over " it's still homecoming so dance with me." " there's no music." I tell her as if it wasn't so obvious and she say quietly as if afraid that someone might be listening " great dancers doesn't need music." she put her hand on my shoulders like Katline did but for some reason hers bring up more feelings and I put my hands around her waist as calming and as romantically as possible and she rest her head on my chest as we continue to move to the slow imagery song a few minutes after.

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