Chapter 11 Date

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Dear Journal,

As it turns out, maybe it was fate that didn't want me telling Haylie and the others in the house about my friend Jordan, today I found out that Haylie and Jordan has a thing for each other, his dad adopted her, she fell in love with him and so his dad kicked her out, now that Haylie has Jordan again and his dad isn't in the way anymore, they're definitely going to be there for each other and she's never going to see me how I see her. I don't know what to do though diary, one moment I'm totally in love with her and want her to notice me and the next moment I find myself trying to push her away because of how this is likely to end up for the both of us, I have a date with Katline tonight and if it goes as she's expecting, there's going to be something between me and her, I'll take her to homecoming dance and she may even be the one to get my mind of off Haylie for good, my first foster dad had always said to me " no matter how in love a person may seems to be with a certain person, another can come in and take that love away, humans can't fall in love once."

" Jake wear this instead." Kurt says handing me a red pants instead of the blue that I picked out " but I like the blue." I argued " well Katline doesn't like blue, she told me herself." And I obey, I change the pants and later he tell me that the shirt isn't prefect and so I change it as well, now I have on his pants, polo shirt, and his shoes. When I walk down I see Katline standing in the living room, seeing her without her cheerleader outfit, she looks really different, she looks really beautiful, I all women looks beautiful to me, I admire everyone's own beauty, which is why I don't let the word ugly joins my dictionary. I think she took a few minutes to brush her hair too " wow look at you, you clean pretty good Jake Foster ." " You look swell yourself." I say and she smile, I can see her trying to hide the fact but I totally make her blush " wow you look handsome." Haylie says and I didn't realize that she was sitting there, I thought she was out or something " thanks Haylie." " he never asked you for your opinion, I'm outside." Katline then says and doesn't wait to get a response and she walk out the door and close it behind her " Jake are you sure this is a good idea, I know I said I was okay with it but Katline doesn't seem like the right girl for you." she says a few seconds after " I mean as your foster sister, I want the best for you." " I know you do and I thank you so much for that but I want to try new things and Katline isn't even that bad, or you sure this is even about me? I ask and it surprise me too, I can't believe I just asked that " who else should it be about then?" " no one, that came out wrong." " no please tell me." and as if she knows w what's happening, I hear Katline's car, " Katline is waiting, I have to go." And Haylie doesn't say anything else, I mean if I didn't know any better I'd say that she's starting to get a little jealous, maybe not for me but for seeing me and Katline together, maybe she thinks me and her won't as close friends if I'm dating Katline.

" so what's the name of the restaurant we're going to?" I ask her after she starts to drive " it's nowhere special, just a normal pizza place not far from here." " ok." " So there's a rule that says that foster siblings aren't allowed to date right?" she ask me as if she's trying to confirm it " yeah there is, why are you asking, you're adopting someone soon." I joke and wait for her to laugh but she doesn't and so I don't bother either " no I was just asking because I see that you and Haylie are pretty cool." " you think that me and Haylie likes each other?" I ask and she shake her head agreeing as if I didn't ask but instead said " I don't like Haylie, I see her only as my sister." I lie, but I don't know if I'm trying to get the part of me that can't stay away from Haylie to believe it or am I just trying to get the outside world to believe it " I believe you" Katline then says shockingly and she doesn't stop there " it's Haylie I'm worried about most." " why you say that?" " Well isn't it obvious, she crazy for you, don't you be seeing how she looks at you when you're not looking, she's like a freaking inside stalker." And as desperate as I know asking it is going to sound I ask anyway " You think she has a thing for me?" " I don't think Jake, I know she does." She says and stop the car " that bitch is doing a good job of hiding it too, I think she had a dream about you in school the first day too." she take a long look at me " we're here, told you it wasn't far." " Turns out you are right." I tell her and she looks at me confused " about the place." I correct and she doesn't look as confused.


I always ask myself the same question, how did me and Jordan ever manage to get caught, I mean we were doing a good job at hiding it, our feelings for each other, pretending among his parents was pretty easy for me, I guess what they say about lying catching to a liar eventually is true, I guess all secrets has a time to be out, some sooner than others " hey close the tv." Kurtis says and considering how bored I was, how boring the show was, I obey " someone is here to tell you something important." and I turn around to see Danny standing there with his guitar and he has never look so serious, tight jeans, black leather jacket, and black shoes, and he has two nose rings now " wow you sure had a makeover." I manage to joke even though I'm still mad at him and he doesn't smile or laugh " can I sit?" " if you want" and he doesn't wait for me to tell him twice and ask Kurtis to leave the same moment that he does " I know that you hate me and don't believe me when I tell you that Ian was lying about what he told you but please listen to what I have to say now" he says and I let him continue without interrupting by telling him to leave like I've been doing for the pass week ever time that he tried to tell me how sorry he is or how his brother is a liar " when me and the band played, someone recorded us, uploaded the video to her YouTube, some big business guy all the way in L.A saw it, he thought we were good, he contacted me and asked to make business with the band, I'm moving there in three days, we may make it to the bigs after all, anyway I was wondering if me and you could just hang because I won't be home after tonight" and before I could give him my answer he cut me short and continues " I've already got a nice dinner planned" " Let me go put something better on" I say and get up to go do so and how hold my hand " no you're perfect." He says and hold my hand, stoping me from going " let's go the way you are."


" So what do you want to be someday?" she ask, the one thing that I hate when people ask me in dates or when they're trying to get to know me " well to be honest I've always wanted to be a teacher but we both know that it isn't going to happen." " and why isn't it?" she ask and suddenly she reminds me of Hendol who would always say the same thing to me every time I would tell him that a certain great thing wasn't going to happen to me " because I'm not smart enough that's why." " Don't say that Jake, you'd be pretty surprise of how many people out there, how many millionaires thought the exact same thing when they were your age, I think you should give yourself more credit than you think yourself deserves because you're worth more than the credit that you're giving yourself and let yourself enjoy a little happiness sometimes." " you're actually right Katline, which is why what I'm about to tell you isn't easy" I stop for a moment but go through with it anyway " we can't be a thing, I'm really in love with someone else, I only wanted to use you as a distraction to stay away." " it's Haylie isn't?" " yes it is and I would really love it if this conversation doesn't leave this place with us." And she look at me, trust worthy " I'll keep your little secret Jake but you have to do something for me." and I let her continue " it's my dream winning homecoming queen for the second time in the row and to do that you have to be my date, many of the girls think you're hot and I'm a cheerleader, all the guys in school are dying to get inside my pants, together we'll be unbeatable." and suddenly Kurtis comes to mind " maybe not all." I disagree and she ignores and continue " with your face and my body, we'll be unbeatable I said, so are you in?" " I'm in but that's it, no funny business." I says, agreeing so that she doesn't ignore what I said about not leaving here with what I said about Haylies " promise." She says.


That's what you really wanna be some day? he ask as if I didn't just say it " yup a nurse baby." and he ask me why a nurse " I like caring for people." I tell him " well can you care for me right now?" he joke and I fire right back " depend on what your situation is" " I'm love sick." he says quietly as if so whoever is in the other room doesn't here us, the thing is there's no one in the other room " I have a treatment for that." and I tell him to come closer so I could whisper it into his ear and he does, obeying, he walks over " drink lots of chicken soups" I say into his ear softly and he start to laugh, not what he was expecting " I didn't realize it was drinking, last time I checked, it was eating." he says as if I didn't say what I said on purpose " whatever works best for you."

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