Part 10

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When I woke up from my dreamless sleep, I was back in my cell. It was strangely calming to be back. I stood up and instantly greeted with a dull pain on the inside of my left arm. Looking at it, my face paled. Tattooed on my arm in bold black letters was what I could only assume was a branding mark.


A small barcode was underneath it. Anger swelled within me. I decided right then and there that I would escape. Or die trying. I would just have to wait for the right time. I slammed my fist against the wall closest to me out of anger.

That's when I heard it. Muttering on the other side. I pressed my ear against the wall, trying to make out the words. I only caught parts.

"... won't conform... can't do anything to me... I'll escape...." I thought back to before I had passed out. A guard had said something about another one. I hoped I was right about this. I knocked against the wall. The muffled voice stopped. I heard faint footsteps on the other side.

"Hello?" A male voice said warily. I took a deep breath, a small smile on my face. It was a start.

"Hello." I thought for a second, deciding on what to say, only to come up with nothing. My heart raced. When I continued, my voice was a mere whisper.

"Are... are you one of us?" He didn't respond right away.

"One of who?" He spoke slowly, cautiously. I thought about it.

"Captives. Prisoners...Experiments." My voice cracked on the last one. Tears welled in my eyes. It hadn't occurred to me until then that that's what we were. Experiments. We were nothing more than test animals now, stripped of everything that would ever lead to a normal life. Well... almost everything. No matter what, I decided, they won't take away my rebel mindset. I knew by the way he was silent that he was a Holder. There was four of us now.

"You are. I know it." I heard movement on the other side of the wall. He sighed.

"Yeah. Now tell me who you are."

The Demons- JackSepticeye/MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now