Welcome to Jacksthepycho's character!
"Yeah. Now tell me who you are." I hesitated. Then I thought about my hopes to escape and realized that he might be able to help.
"My name's Aaron. Who are YOU?"
"Jackson." He was so blunt, it caught me off guard. I jumped as a tapping noise came from another wall. Jack.
"I'll be right back," I said.
"Take your time." His voice dripped with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the other blank wall. I tapped back to Jack, letting him know I was listening.
"Aaron! Are you okay?" A question I wasn't expecting. Now, something like 'anything happening with you?' or 'have you met Mark yet?' or maybe 'what's your story?' would have been something I would have thought of. I told him I was fine, then asked why. He hesitated.
"So... what's your story?" That's more accurate. But still confusing.
"What do you mean?" I shifted uncomfortably.
"Like... what was your life like before, well, this?" I bit my lip.
"I don't like to talk about it."
"You know, talking to someone about something almost always makes things better. So with that thought, want to tell me your life story?" I knew he was right. I wanted to make it quicker, though. So I used one of my few talents.
"This story is about a little girl named Hannah. She never fit in, no matter how hard she tried. She had exactly one friend - Lorae. Hannah had learned early on to never show her bad emotions in front of anyone. Instead, she expressed her true feelings through her writing. Once, she wrote a story about a little girl who was described to look like herself. The little girl talked about how she didn't fit in. That night, Lorae read her friend's story. Worried, she talked to the school counselor. Hannah was pulled from class and they talked about it. She explained that her former friend Polly had made her upset, but when Hannah tried to explain why she was mad, Polly called her selfish. That was the moment Hannah was pushed past her breaking part. Starting then, she started to hear voices in her head more and more often. Soon, just to keep all of the voices in check, she gave them names (such as Lucas, who tried to keep everyone happy - Kyra, who would do anything to protect someone - Aaron (aka Katana), who despises being seen when he's not at his best and hates people who think they are better than everyone else- and more) and incorporated them into stories. Hannah started to have uncontrollable emotional panic attacks. The little things that most people wouldn't' care about upset her more than ever; being ignored at home, school, and her church, overwhelming schoolwork, her dad not making it to her first band concert with a new instrument. The last one hurt like hell because music was really important to her. Her grades dropped and she lost interest in almost everything. Eventually, she gave up completely. And if she were to tell Lorae this story, it would probably get even more complicated. But all in all, if she were captured by evil scientists, she wouldn't be missing much."
Jack laughed quietly, but there was a sadness to it.
"That story isn't just a story, is it" I shook my head even though he couldn't see me.
"Not. Even. Close." I felt tears in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. No emotions, no problems. A lesson I taught myself year ago. And it almost always worked.

The Demons- JackSepticeye/Markiplier
ФанфикEveryone remembers where they were the moment when they heard of the Demon Tracker. It changed the world, you know, the fact that there was scientific proof of Demons. It changed everything. Highest Rank: #67 in antisepticeye