Part 12

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I don't remember drifting off, but I once again found myself in the void of dreams.

Fyre stood in front of me, leaning against an invisible wall. She absentmindedly played with a ball of fire, rolling back and forth in her hands. She glanced up.

"Oh. Hello again." She glared at me. The fire in her hands disappeared, and she straightened up. She slowly walked forward menacingly. She stopped about three feet in front of me, pressing her hand against what seemed to be an unseen barrier.

"You just wait," she growled. "You wait 'till I get out of here. This is YOUR fault." She shouted the last part, slamming her fist into the barrier. Then her angry red eyes locked on something behind me. I spun around.

"We talked about this..." Dark hissed. Anti just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, annoyed. Fyre glared at the other Demons.

"Come to lock me up somewhere else?" She growled, summoning flames in her hands, which were still pressed against the barricade. Dark frowned. Instead of answering her, he turned to me, flicking his hand in a gesture to leave. A cracking sound was heard, and Fyre stepped forward, the invisible wall gone. She smirked maliciously. The last thing I saw before waking up was the entire void filling with flames.

The Demons- JackSepticeye/MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now