Chapter 4

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Christian and I walked slowly to class after the whole hallway mishap. We were still several minutes early, but the girls beat us there as well as a few scattered students. Some of them were desperately filling out the homework assignment that was due today for geometry. It had taken me forever, but I had completed my own homework last night thankfully. The online tutorials really helped after I had gotten over the distraction of Christian's messages. 

 The remembrance of the late night and early morning today made me start to feel sleepy. 

I closed my eyes for a moment, wondering if there was a vending machine around here with caffeine in it. That reminded me, today after school I had an interview for a barista job at one of the local coffee shops. I had been a barista in our last town too, I had really grown fond of the coffee shop life. I hoped to get this job, but I was terrible at interviews. It's a wonder I had gotten that first job. 

 I didn't know their names yet, but the flirt of the girl "trio," their new nickname, came up to Christian. He was in his seat directly behind me today so there was no way to tune out their chit-chat. I wonder if I have my earbuds with me. I hoped. Ah, no such luck. I acted coolly while hearing the chatter of the flirty-one and Christian behind me. She was asking a bunch of questions about the football practice last night and the game coming up on Friday. Finally, Ms. Tuckett arrived and the flirty-one went back to her seat, but not without a "Catch you later, Chris." Gag. I didn't blame her though; Christian was really cute.  I didn't want to picture the flirty-one and him together. I felt sick suddenly. I really hoped she wasn't his type. That would be disappointing for more than one reason.

 I hoped Christian would say something more to me before Tuckett started lecturing, but he was already focused on his own homework. 


At lunch, I had decided to keep my word and go hang out with the boys again. I was already feeling less-than social when I got to the caf and Tristan shouted, "Hey, it's Avalon. Come over here!" I didn't want to make an entrance, I didn't like the spotlight, not even a little bit, not even at all. But thanks to the athletic Tristan and over-enthusiastic whoops of the other boys when they saw me too, half the caf was staring at the new girl who was getting all the attention from the table of football boys. I half-smiled but I was blushing deep reds I was sure. I made my way to the table and lightly punched Tristan on the bicep, "Tristan," I hissed, "I feel so embarrassed! I hate any attention on me." 

He joked, "Come on Avalon, you're the best, don't worry about what everyone else thinks." Christian had been watching our little exchange and was looking amused. "Hi Christian, hi guys," I looked at everyone. "Sorry I skipped lunch with you guys the other day, I just need a little introvert time in the art room. I'm more of a reserved kind of person if you know what I mean, but you guys are great." Christian responded sarcastically, "You? Shy? No way." He winked at me playfully. The guys all chuckled warmly, and I felt more at ease. This social life thing wasn't so bad after all. "What's on the menu today?" I asked.


After lunch period was over, Christian hung around again to keep talking with me. The boys had headed to their lockers, but the two of us lingered at the lunch table for a moment. "All the guys are excited you're coming to cheer us on at the game on Friday," Christian started. I took the last bite of my M&M cookie I had gotten at the snack bar, and replied, "Yeah, I think it'll be fun! I can't remember the last time I was at any sports event, really." Christian smiled, "Not much of a sports fan?" I shook my head, "Not much at all." But I could be, I thought. I imagined myself wearing Christian's oversized jersey, and hugging him tightly after he won a game . . .

I must have been gazing into the distance and when I finally snapped out of it Christian was smiling warmly at me. It wasn't just his mouth, and soft lips creating the warmth, but his eyes looked brightly at me. I felt myself starting to blush, and quickly said, "Well, uh, class is starting soon and I haven't even made the trip to my locker for my history stuff yet." Christian handed me his textbook, "You can borrow my textbook and a couple pieces of paper and go to your locker later. Don't want you to be late for talking to me." I took him up on his nice offer, "Oh. That's nice of you, thanks." Christian added, "I'll just have to meet you at your locker after school and get that back from you then." His eyes met mine for a little longer than usual, studying me, and for once, I didn't mind being noticed. I nodded and said gently, "I'm going to get going to class, thanks again." 

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