Chapter 19

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I didn't really know what I was getting myself into when I met Christian Henderson, but I certainly didn't regret it. 

We were heading to the lunchroom when Christian stopped me in my tracks to grab both my hands and kiss me for the second time. It was sweet, soft, and I didn't want to stop kissing him. I shoved him a little after the longest kiss I'd ever had, it was perfect.

"You know, I kind of like you." I said. He brought me to himself in a warm hug. He rest his chin on my head lightly, "I like you too." I smiled as he held me near his chest for a long time. I felt safe in his strong arms. Was he really mine? In this moment, I felt he was. I wanted this for what seemed an eternity and I couldn't believe it was finally happening. 

I hadn't noticed until I looked toward the caf doors, that Monty was standing right there watching the both of us in an embrace. I had a horrible guilt grow inside of me.

 I didn't quite throw Christian off, but I did scramble out of his hug and I saw a hurt look come across his face. Immediately, I regretted pushing him away. He looked toward Monty, who had started to take off toward the school exit.

Christian looked down at me, "What's wrong? It was a little awkward with Monty just now, but it's not like we were making out or anything." I momentarily smiled at the thought. He caught me red-handed, "Hey, what was that! You just smiled didn't you?! You wanna make out with me." I started blushing all kinds of reds, and couldn't help but giggle a bit when he playfully tickled my sides, "Christian! Stop it," I laughed. 

I grabbed both of his hands in mine and looked up at his handsome face. His green eyes were stunning. 

"Christian, I have to tell you something," I said in a serious tone. "Monty...he kissed me earlier this morning. He came and found me at my locker, I didn't know...I didn't expect him to..." I trailed off, feeling bad for coming between two good friends, when I was the new kid and they had probably been friends for ages. He touched my arm soothingly, "Don't worry about Monty, I'll talk to him, okay?" I nodded, still looking at the ground. Christian lifted my head softly, looked into my eyes and kissed me gently one more time before going after his friend. 

"Text me, okay?!" I called after him as he raced away, turning the corner of the hall.

I was left alone in the hall momentarily and to my great annoyance, Clara came marching out of the caf just in time to spite me. "You don't really listen, do you, you little brat!?" I looked at her in even greater annoyance and said, "What is your problem? Brock isn't enough for you?" She snarled at me and crossed her arms angrily over her chest. "None of your business about me and Brock. Christian's the one I want! You deserve what you have coming!" She stormed away like a little girl having a tantrum and I realized...I wasn't intimidated by her. I actually felt...bad for her. 

Taking the high road did feel good, Christian was right.


Hours later, I was back at home after my shift at the coffee shop. I hadn't heard anything from any of the boys, and thankfully nothing from Clara or her friends either. Part of me was concerned about what she might have up her sleeve. She wasn't the kind to be bluffing.

I decided to to call Sylvia and tell her about the crazy drama today. It's kind of embarrassing to admit, but my first kiss ever was Monty, and my second kiss ever was with Christian. Both in the same day. Undoubtedly, I had feelings for Christian and kissing him just strengthened the way I felt.

The phone rang several times before she picked up.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

I started, "You have no idea what happened today, so lemme fill you in."

"Yes, do!"

"I'm at my locker per usual right before class this morning, and Monty - the senior at our table - is standing there, like out of no where," I say.

Sylvia: "Oh yes, Monty. He was hot. Go on."

Me: "I'm just having small-talk with him, semi-wondering what he's doing just standing there. Usually it's Christian. Guess what he did!?"

Sylvia: "Umm...asked you on a date?"

Me: "Yes! He asked me to the Fall Ball. Is that a thing? 

Sylvia: "Yes it's a thing! It's a huge thing in our town anyway!

Me: "So, I never got to give him a straight answer. He actually just went for it and kissed me!"


Me: "I kind of wish I were joking. He is hot, but Sylvia, he is not my type!!"

Sylvia: *dreamily* Avalon, you're so freakin' lucky!

Me: "No. Nope. It was uncalled for."

Sylvia: "You have a point. A guy should always ask first."

Me: "I would have said no."

Sylvia: "...because you have a thing for Christian, am I right?"

Me: "Your intuition is on point. I kissed him today too."


Me: "Well. We were in class..."

Sylvia: "You guys kissed in class, in front of the whole room?!"

Me: "...haha, yes. I couldn't help it!! He was looking at me and he was so attractive..."

Sylvia: "I don't know what to say. You are fast-paced!"

Me: "Sylvia, trust me, I have been acting SO unlike myself."

Sylvia: "So are you and Christian a thing now?"

Me: "I don't know yet, Sylvia. I hope we are."

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