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Keith wakes up while I'm painting my nails.

It's already 11:00, and the early morning light has unfurled in streams across the tile floor and the end of his bed. It sets the white walls aglow, and I can sit up in bed and look out the window to see puddles stretching across black asphalt and trickling in currents down drains, result from last night's rainstorm. Falling asleep to the sound of rain, distant voices, and machines humming was nice, but it was harder in a new hospital. New people, new place, and my family wasn't there. Abuelita and Mom were busy, as well as Veronica, Rachel, Luis and Marco.

"We'll visit you tomorrow," Mom had said yesterday. "Around 11:30."

So now I'm waiting, munching on soggy Cheerios, sipping pulpy orange juice and covering my nails in glossy blue polish. Humming happily, I fan my left hand in the air.

"Good morning!" I chirp to Keith, who just grunts in response and covers his eyes with his arms. His unruly black hair splays out around his head, and when the nurse comes in he removes his arms from his face and blinks his startling purple-gray eyes in the light.

"Sleep well?"

He eyes me, rubbing sleep out of his long, thick eyelashes. "Fine," he mumbles.

"Good, good," I say, blowing on my nails. I've already dressed, in faded blue jeans covered in rips and my Varadero Beach t-shirt, and brushed my teeth. I've heaved my oxygen tank onto my bed, and with each breath the tubes tickle my nostrils.

Keith inspects his scrambled eggs with a tired look on his face. "Great, you're one of those insane people that wakes up at the crack of dawn."

"No," I correct him, "I'm one of those people who don't waste the day by laying in bed the entire time!" I cap my nail polish and smirk at him.

He rolls his eyes, brushing long bangs away from his face. The nurse makes her way to me now, after handing Keith his questionable-looking eggs and pushing the button on the bed so that he sits all the way up. With his hair tucked between his ears so that it flops over his shoulders and curls at his jawline, I can't help but stare at him. I barely even notice the prick of the IV as it slides beneath my tube and the nurse tapes it up my arm, where it connects to the little baggy on the metal stand. It rolls around on slippery wheels, just like the oxygen tank.

"Are you settling in alright?" the nurse asks, so I break my gaze away from Keith's luscious, fluttering eyelashes and plump, pastel pink lips.

"Yep! My family is visiting right?" I ask, if not a little impatient.

She smiles, taking my dishes. "Of course."

While she's walking out, I hear her say "Oh - hi, Shiro!", and I turn to see Shiro walking in. He's wearing a Metallica t-shirt and black jeans, his checkered Vans squeaking on the floor. He observes the room and smiles a sunny smile. He rests a hand on his hip.

"Look's like you're an early bird too, huh, Lance?"

I jump up, grinning at him. "Heck yeah! I was just trying to get Keith here to get up."

Keith let's out a groan from his bed, which makes Shiro laugh.

"Plus, my family is visiting again today to help me settle in," I add giddily, and Shiro chuckles again.

"Well, Keith should probably get dressed then," Shiro says, looking pointedly at Keith. He pushes his tray away and sinks back down into his pillows.

"Five more minutes..."


Shiro takes Keith to the bathroom to dress, and I begin to tidy up my side of the room. I mean, I've only been here for a night, but after 16 plus years of hospitals I've gotten quite a collection of decorations and belongings. Yes, a lot of it is at my Mom's house for when I'm well enough to stay home for a little while, but if I'm going to live in a hospital I'm gonna live in comfort. Besides, now I have a very cute, mysterious boy sharing my room. Really mysterious. I stop organizing my pile of comics to catch a glance at Keith's Polaroids. He looks almost like a different person - confident and badass. Cute as ever, but...different.

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