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i've been having a crisis since i woke up five minutes ago and found lance mcclain fast asleep on top of me.

his curly brown hair is pressed against my cheek and i can feel the little ins and outs of his warm breath against my neck. his heartbeat against my ribs, his legs spread over mine and the blanket. his arms over my torso. the tube of his oxygen tank all tangled up. i can hear it fizzling air into his nostrils. 

so yea, i'm kind of panicking. because not only do i have to pee very badly and he's on top of me and shiro isn't here yet, but also because i can't stop thinking about his taste, about his blue eyes blinking at me hungrily, skin brown and soft in the dim lighting, slightly damp and out-of-breath and desperate. 

i've never kissed somebody like that before.

so yea, you could say i'm having a crisis.

i'm praying to god that lance wakes up before shiro gets here when shiro walks in the door.

"hey, keith! rise and shine, i brought - " and then he stops mid-sentence when he sees me, and lance, still sleeping like a fucking baby on my chest. "oh."

i close my eyes exasperatedly. "don't say a word, takashi shirogane."

"hmmm." i open one eye to find him stroking his chin, eyebrows high as he surveys us. lance is snoring, small and snotty and kind of adorable, like the way a kitten might snore. and i hate myself. "i'm trying to recall something you've said to me."

"shut up," i mutter. 

"what is it now...i'm recalling it vividly..."

"shiro, i swear to god."

he sets his stuff on the armchair, twists his face into a sarcastic expression, and does quotation marks with his fingers. "'we're not gonna be friends, shiro. he's not cute, shiro.'"

"i hate you so much," i groan, throwing the arm that isn't beneath lance over my face.

he just smiles. "right. so do you care to explain?"


"mmmmkay." he raises his arm, palm-out, in surrender. "just don't say i didn't tell you so..."

lance takes this moment as an opportunity to wake up.

eyelids fluttering, he groans faintly and stretches. his weight shifts and i find myself looking down at his wide, turbulent blue eyes, foggy sleep ebbing away as his cafe au lait cheeks flush faintly with pink. a sleepy smile tugs at the corner of his lips. 

"hey," he murmurs, voice thick with sleep as he closes his eyes and buries his face in my neck once again.

my face is on fire as shiro clears his throat.

lance's eyes pop open and he cranes his neck to blink at shiro.

"good morning, lance," he says with a cocky smirk, as he eyes me knowingly.

lance sits bolt upright, cheeks a bright pink. "s-shiro! um. let me just..." he stumbles over my legs and straightens, patting down his curly poof of unbrushed hair and trying to straighten the wrinkled hoodie he slept in. he reddens under shiro's amused gaze. "g-good morning. nothing weird going on here. at all."

shiro laughs. "it's fine, lance. i'm not going to get mad."

lance sags, smiling in relief though he still looks faintly in embarrassed. "well, THAT'S good to know."

shiro puts his hand on his hip and raises his eyebrow at me. "i'm just glad that keith's finally making some good friends around here."

i grab one of my pillows and smash it over my face. "shut uppp."

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