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"is that all?"

"um, yea."


shiro stands with his hand on his hip, adam beside him, mirroring his stance as their eyes sweep over the room. my half is now empty - nothing but gray stucco walls, white sheets and dormant machines. lance's side looks bright and colorful compared to the bland nothingness that the lack of my decorations ensues - though i guess it seemed that way before. (he decorates in colors; i decorate in blacks and reds.)

"i guess this is really happening, huh?" adam breaks the silence.

"yea. it really is." i feel shiro's hand come down on my shoulder, giving it a brotherly squeeze. "you ready to go home?"

i swallow the lump in my throat. "yea. yea let's go."

he grins. "alright. time to check out."

we're leaving and i'm feeling like my world, whether i like it or not, is being pulled out from under me inch by inch - and that's when lance comes down the hall, practically running at top speed toward us. nurses give him confused and vaguely worried glances as he shoves past carts and empty wheelchairs.

he comes to a full stop when he reaches the three of us, bending down to cough for a good ten seconds.

"um, are you okay?" i ask.

"take it," is his hoarse reply, sticking his arm out without raising his head. 

cocking an eyebrow, i take the small, wrinkled slip of paper from him. in his messy scrawl, there's a phone number. 

he raises his head, clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair. "sorry, i didn't wanna miss you before you guys left." he throws a smile toward shiro and adam. "hey, guys."

"hi, lance," says shiro in an amused tone that tells me i will definitely be hearing about this whole lance mcclain ordeal for at least the next year of my life. 

i look at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand then back up at him. he grins crookedly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans. 

"it just occured to me that, like, since we literally lived together for a month we never got each others numbers. so now that you have mine we can talk whenever." he reaches forward and messes up my hair. "i'm gonna miss you, mullet."

i blush furiously. "what are you talking about? you know i'm gonna be here, like, every day, right?"

he rolls his eyes, batting me away. "please. you just escaped! don't keep coming back just to see me."

"you know you can't stop me, lance."

he squints at me. "perhaps. perhaps not."

i roll my eyes. "right."

he claps his hands together. "well! you guys probably have to get going to do, er, other things. i probably won't see you for...awhile. yep. definitely not today, at all."

i raise both my eyebrows. "what are you talking about?"

"nothing! nothing at all." he grins and clasps his hands behind his back, feigning innocence. 

i twist around to look at shiro and adam. "what is he talking about?"

adam's grin is slightly wicked. "nothing."

i look suspiciously between the three of them. "riiight..."

"guess you better go!" lance says loudly, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. "yep, that's...yep. and i gotta go do a...thing. which is at another place. that is not here." he shrugs, feet sliding backwards. i watch him, exasperated. "y'know, things to do, places to be, people to see...adios!" 

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