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I think my entire legs are going to fall asleep by the time I hear the back door open.

"Go!" Pidge hisses in my ear, and all of a sudden we're throwing ourselves up, waving our arms in the air like demented octopi, screaming "SURPRISE!" at different intervals. Allura, Coran and Romelle release plumes of multicolored confetti into the air and Hunk lets loose his armful of long wrinkly streamers. The kazoos in me, Shiro, Adam and Pidge's mouths chorus an off-key symphony that sounds like a bunch of dying geese. 

Once the streamers settle and the confetti dusts the ground like colorful snow, we all blink with face-splitting grins on our face at a shocked-looking Keith.

There's confetti in his hair and a streamer draped over his lap and he blinks wide-eyed at us for a second.

"Oh my God," he finally says, and I'm jogging up the ramp to him, trying not to slip on confetti and ribbons as I toot my kazoo in his face. Taking it out of my mouth, I hop up and down.

"Are you surprised??" I ask.

"Oh my Godddd," he repeats covering his face with his hands as the yard erupts in comfortable and casual banter.

"I'm taking that as a yes," I say happily. I take his hand, peeling it from his face and motioning around the yard. "Do you like? You have no idea how damn fast I had to be to get everybody here and get it set up."

He peeks between the fingers of his other hand at the small, squared-in yard. Pillows and picnic blankets spread across the grass like a massive pallet, stopping only at the fire pit, the grill, and a long picnic table. on the grill, beef patties sizzle, and big plastic bowls of sliced watermelon, diced fruits and potato chips decorate the checkered tablecloth of the picnic table. Hunk brought a plate wrapped in plastic - piled with treats from his family's bakery. 

The sweet and humid scent of grass and barbecue hangs aloft in the summer air, and a comfortably cool breeze sluices through the warm evening. The sky is a pale, watery blue marred with thin streaks of gold and pink where the sun rubs it's stomach against the horizon like a sleepy, stretching cat.

"Look," I say, tugging at Keith's arm and pulling him so that he redirects himself to see the broad blue side of the house, where all the blankets are facing. "We're going to be projecting a movie onto the side. Isn't that freaking awesome?!"

"Yea. Yea, wow. That's...really cool," he says, looking flustered.

I squeeze his hand. "So give me an answer. Do you like it?"

His ears and cheeks are red, embarrassment in his violet eyes as he looks up at me with a smile curling his lips. "Of course I like it, Lance. This is" He motions aimlessly at the scenery. "You guys really, really didn't have to do this."

I release his hand to bend down and give him a one-armed hug. It gives me a whiff of the shampoo in his hair. "We didn't have to, but we wanted to, Mullet."

"Don't call me that," he says vaguely, nuzzling into my shoulder and my embrace. The sunset sends a milky golden light over his skin and marble features, catching in his hair and kaleidoscope eyes like in the windows of a chapel. 

"Guys!" Romelle waves excitedly from the table, a pitcher of amber-colored iced tea in one hand. "Come get dinner!"

Keith barks out a laugh. "I can't believe you guys invited my physical therapists."

As we descend the ramp and approach the grill and table, Shiro gives him a guilty little grin.

"We've actually been hanging out with them more lately. We had gone to a few dinners and saw each other often at the hospital," he admits. 

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