Chapter 4

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When I woke up Kingston wasn't next to me or on me. Where is that little boy?

I got out of bed then started making my bed.

After I made my bed I looked around upstairs but I didn't see him so I went downstairs. I heard Kingston laughing from the kitchen so I went in there.

When I went in there I saw Kingston and Deshawn in there at the island making something. "Deshawn how do you spell cow?", Kingston asked.

"C O W. Cow.", Deshawn said.

"Can you make me a cow pancake?" Oh, they're making pancakes.

"I don't know how to make a cow but I can make you something else."

"Hmm, an alligator?", Kingston asked.

"I can't do that either little man I'm not that good. What about a car?", Deshawn asked.

"Yes!" I smiled.

"What about me?", I asked. They looked at me and said good morning, I said it back.

"Mama what kind of pancake do you want?", Kingston asked after I walked to them.

"Hmm, I want a flower.", I said.

"I can do that.", Deshawn said.


After we all ate and took showers Mocha went to her hair appointment and us three went outside. We just got done. "Mama I wanna play basketball.", Kingston said.

"Okay, we can go to the court.", I said.

"Can Deshawn come?"

"If he wants to baby."

"You wanna come?", Kingston asked.

"Yeah I want to.", Deshawn said.


I saw Amari, Dominic's sister, as they played with the basketball. I feel her looking at me. I tried not to but I looked at her, she's walking to me. "Hey.", she said when she made it to me. I just looked at her. What do she want? "He doesn't look like Dominic." I scrunched my face up.

"That's cause he's not Dominic's son.", I said.

"Why did you have my brother killed?" Is this bitch stupid?

"I didn't have your brother killed but I'm happy he's dead." She swung on me so I swung back. We started fighting.

While we were fighting somebody broke us up. "Get off my mama tramp!", I heard Kingston yell as I was held back. I looked and saw Kingston in front of me yelling at her. "I swear if you were a boy I would beat you up!" I picked Kingston up then Deshawn grabbed the ball after letting me go. We left.


We're at home now. I can't believe that bitch. She's so lucky and I mean so fucking lucky.

Kingston is asleep in my bed and I'm looking in my mirror. I look good, I could be a model. That dream flew out the window a long time ago.

I stopped looking in the mirror then went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

When I went in there I saw Deshawn. "So, I have a question.", Deshawn said.

"What's up?", I asked as I poured me some juice.

"Can I take you out to dinner?" I looked at him.


"I wanna thank you for allowing me to stay here and I wanna get to know you more.", he said.

"You can just say it and what do you want to know?", I asked.


"I'm not looking for a relationship or a friend."

"It's just dinner.", he said.

"I can't do that, I'm sorry.", I said.

"Well can I make us dinner tonight? You, Kingston, and me. Mocha went to her boyfriend's house until tomorrow."

"Can you cook?"

"Of course I can. I'm a chef.", he said. I shook my head up and down.

"Okay, you can cook.", I said. He smiled.

"You won't be disappointed." I smiled.

"We will see." I left the kitchen.


I'm watching a movie in the front room with Kingston. Well he's sleep so it's just me and I'm trying to watch it but I can't.

I can't stop thinking about when Dominic killed Deontae. I can't get his lifeless body out of my head. I can't get Dominic raping me out of my head.

As I thought my chest got heavy and it started getting hard to breathe. I need some water.

I got up and went to the kitchen with shaking hands as tears formed in my eyes.

As I went into the cabinet to get a glass Deshawn said something. "Whew you scared me.", he said chuckling as I walked to the sink. As I walked to think sink I dropped the glass. I took steps back. "Are you ok?" I didn't say anything, I couldn't, I just started breathing harder and faster. I started crying as I dropped to the floor.

As I cried Deshawn walked to me and squatted down in front of me. I started rocking back and forth. "Hey it's ok, everything is ok. You're having an anxiety attack. Just breathe. It's ok.", Deshawn said. He softly grabbed my hands and rubbed them. "Hey look at me, look at me." I looked at him as I cried. "It's ok." Something about how he talked to me and how he held and rubbed my hands and the way he looked at me made me feel like everything would be ok. I started calming down. "There you go. Everything is ok. Come on, let me tuck you in.", I said. We stood up then he wiped my tears. "Let's go get Kingston first, okay?" I shook my head up and down.

"Okay.", I said.


"Okay you guys dinner is ready.", I heard Deshawn say as I was drifting off. I sat up and stretched as he woke Kingston up. "You ready to eat little man?" Kingston sat up and reached for Deshawn. Deshawn picked him up as I stood up.

We all went downstairs to the dining room. "Everything looks so good.", I said looking at our plates.

"It smells good too.", Kingston said. We all sat down. Deshawn held his hands out and we grabbed them. He bowed his head then Kingston did then I did. Deshawn prayed.

"Amen.", he said.

"Amen.", we said.

"Alright, dig in.", Deshawn said. We started eating. This food is delicious.

We all ate and talked about Kingston's birthday, again.

After we ate I was about to take the plates in but Deshawn stopped me. "I got it, we're not done yet.", Deshawn said. He grabbed the plates then left.

"I like Deshawn mama.", Kingston said. I smiled. Before I could say anything he came out with dessert. He sat them down then we ate.

I'm going to have to go back to the gym more if he's going to be cooking like this.

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