Let Her Go (Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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Character: Clark Kent (ft. Bruce Wayne)

Fandoms: Superman (Man of Steel) & Batman (Batfleck)/DCEU

Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader

Title: Let Her Go

Requested by anon:

Could you do a Bruce Wayne imagine with a prompt of him saying "I never meant to be so bad to you. That's one thing I swore I'd never do but yet here we are you're heartbroken and I'm the reason why" where you're on the verge of leaving him your boyfriend of years because of how he's treated you type thing. He doesn't want you to leave but he knows he's the reason why you're hurt.

Requested by anon:

Can you do a Bruce Wayne x reader x superman(man of steel) imagine where the reader was once with Bruce but has long since broken up & now she's in love with & dating Clark Kent and hes out & sees her & Clark being cute & cuddly and still regrets how he treated her & has flashbacks to when they were together and confronts them? But she chooses Clark in the end. You can put your own spin on this if you think of something you like better. I just want something angsty but kinda fluffy. Thank you!

Clark grinned widely, happily, as he squeezed me against his side. I sighed happily as well, finding that feeling intoxicating. The feeling of his warm body against mine, of his strong but gentle arm over my shoulders, of the look of utter love and adoration reflected in his beautiful eyes as he looked at me. Of the feeling of safety and comfort he provided me with just by standing next to me. It had been so long that I had almost forgotten what that felt like. True love, simple and unproblematic.

The last time I felt it was with Bruce, but it didn't last long. At first it was like a fairy tale, extremely romantic and wonderful. Then things got complicated, we drifted away and began fighting. Our relationship grew more and more toxic until we broke up after a long tortuous time and I was left heartbroken.

"You okay, Y/N?" Clark asked me with his deep voice. I forced a smile, even though it soon developed into a genuine one as soon as we locked eyes.

"I'm fine" I assured, being enamored by him. He had been the one to pick up the broken pieces of my heart and put them together, almost fixing it altogether with his affection and dedication. "I promise, I'm okay"

"You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" His somewhat playful tone shifted into a sad one. He knew me too well.

"Yeah, but..." I sighed, averting my gaze in shame. "I'm not dwelling on it, it's just..."

"You can't help but to think about him" He guessed, finishing the sentence for me.


"It's okay, I understand. As long as you're happy, I don't mind"

I snuggled closer to Clark as we walked, profoundly grateful for how great he was. Patient, understanding, loving, thoughtful... Even though I kept thinking about another man, one that once was his rival, he wasn't mad. Clark realized that it was inevitable that Bruce ran around my mind because of our previous relationship. But that didn't mean I wanted to be with him, I was as happy as I could be with Clark.

Almost like my thoughts had summoned him, I noticed a familiar figure approaching us in the streets. I loudly gasped, feeling my heart skipping a beat when I recognized him. Clark's arm embraced me closer, alarmed by my outburst. And then his eyes followed my glance and realized what I saw to earn such a reaction. I looked up at him, worried about hisreaction, and noticed that he was frowning and glaring at the man. His jaw was clenched, and I didn't think I had ever seen him like that.

Multifandom Imagines 2 (Character x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now