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We were all sitting around waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to be ready. Kody was currently questioning Chris' cousin, Shaun, about his tattoos.

"Why would you get a cross on your forehead?" Kody asked

Shaun paused and looked over at Kody.

"Issa knife." He responded

" He responded

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"Ooookay." Kody turned around slowly and walked away.

Chris' cousin Jacky laughed. "Kids are bold."

"Yes. Especially mine." I laughed and shook my head

I looked over to my left at Lyric talking to Jacky's boyfriend. I believe his name was Mike.

"Get on somewhere. Uglass lil girl." He joked as he tickled her

Lyric laughed and stepped back. "Im cute. You the one walking around here looking like you let my baby sister draw that tattoo on your face. Now that's ugly."

Mike's mouth dropped open and Lyric laughed again before walking away.

"Aye, who kid that is?" Mike looked around

"Mine." I laughed

"Why she roast me like that? Who taught her how to do that."

"Chris." I pointed.

"How long have you two been together?" Jacky asked

"I met him when I was 19. We dated for a bit and had my oldest." I pointed to Lyric. "Took a break and got back together and we've been together for about 5 years now." I smiled

"Oh wow. You two seem like you are really in love. I guess true love does come back if you let it go." She smiled

"I guess so." I nodded

"The star is here!" A woman walked through the front door with a glass in her hand

"The star is here!" A woman walked through the front door with a glass in her hand

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"Auntie. Where yo clothes at? It's cold." Shaun asked

"A hoe never gets cold. Where's the drinks?! I need a refill." She walked through the house

"Sky? Is that you?" Chris' mom walked out the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel.

"Yes. Your baby sister has arrived." She smiled and hugged her. "Smells good in here."

They walked into the kitchen and continued their conversation. Chris walked over to me holding Cam who was sleep.

"I'm about to go take him upstairs. He was passed out in the floor." He laughed. "I'll be back."

I nodded and he disappeared up the stairs and came back down a few moments later.

"Cooda? Is that you? Boy, I haven't seen you in so long." Sky pulled Chris into a hug.

"Cooda?" I laughed

"I call him that because he's the only baby that came outta my sister's pussy." Sky laughed

"Come on auntie." Chris groaned and sat beside me

"Who's this?" Sky asked Chris as she looked at me

"My fiancé."

"How you doing? Welcome to the family. I'm Sky. The outspoken one of the family."

"We know." Mike sighed

"Boy shut the hell up." Sky rolled her eyes at him and walked away


Dinner was amazing and the food was great. I helped Chris' mom clean up before joining the other's in the basement. A cloud of smoke hit me in the face as I opened the door. Chris and his cousins, along with his aunt Sky were sitting around smoking.

"Chris told me that ya'll have 5 kids together." Sky sat beside me

"We do." I nodded

"I couldn't do it." She crossed her legs. "Too much stress. I'd probably be in jail for flinging one of their little asses."

I laughed and shook my head.

For the rest of the night we all talked and laughed and I really got to know Chris' family, which were all characters. I really enjoyed meeting them.

Chris' mom had a blow up mattress fixed in Chris' old bedroom for the kids. Since everyone was staying at her place, you had to sleep where you could.

6:54 AM

My phone was vibrating non stop on the night stand. I groaned and saw that Emily was calling me. I sat up and answered the call.

"Hello?" I sleepily answered

"Lauren! We have a problem." Emily spoke

"A problem? What happened."

"Well...I came to open up the store this morning and the entire place is trashed."

"What?!" I yelled causing Chris to sit up quickly. "You're joking right? I didn't get anything to my phone about the alarms going off."

"I wish I was. I sent you pictures, Did you get them?"

"Hold on." I removed the phone from my ear and went to my messages. I went to the message thread between me and Emily and my mouth fell open.

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"Oh my god

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"Oh my god." I mumbled to myself. "Are you there still?" I held the phone back up

"Yes. There's glass everywhere, spray paint on the walls and our promotional pictures are all ripped up. It doesn't look like anything was taken though."

I sighed and attempted to process everything.

"Go ahead and go back home. I'm about to be on the next flight there." I ended the call

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