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I sat in court with Chris beside me. I couldn't believe this right now. I'm back doing the same shit I did with Chris. He's really pulling all the move that Chris did.

I shook my head at my thoughts and focused back on what the judge was saying.

"Now, Mr. Taylor, why do you want full custody of these children?"

Jay looked over at me then up at the judge. "Well, First of all, I love my children. I would've been there everyday if I could but unfortunately their mother did everything in her power to keep me away so that she could have this perfect life with her boyfriend. She moved from Atlanta to Los Angeles without telling me. She doesn't want me there. And I feel like the reason why she doesn't is because I no longer want to be with her so she's keeping my children away from me. I miss them and want to be there for them but she won't allow it."

My mouth fell open as I listened to the lies effortlessly roll off his tongue. The same exact lie that Chris told.

"That's bullshit." I mumbled

"And what are you're thoughts Ms. Smith?" The judge asked.

I cleared my throat and sat up. "He's lying. He's the one that got strung out on drugs after his parents died and pushed me away. He's the one that initiated our divorce and he's the one that left us. He moved without telling me anything. It wasn't until I moved to California myself that I found out he was here with the woman next to him and her children, looking like a happy family. My boyfriend has nothing to do with why Jayceon doesn't see our kids. In fact, he invited him to dinner to work out our issues so we could co-parent like adults but Mr. Taylor," I looked over at him. "wanted to be childish and not have anything to do with it."

"Is this true? You were on drugs?" The judge directed his attention back to Jay

Jay clenched his jaw before answering. "Yes."

"Are you still using?"

He hesitated a moment before answering "No. I'm not."

"Well before I can make any decision on this case, I will need a drug test. As of now, it is completely up to the mother to allow you visitation at this point."

"Ok." He nodded. "I also want to correct something while I'm here. Her oldest child is not mine, I would like my name off of her files. Only Dakota, Ayanna and Amauri are mine."

"Woah." I interrupted him. "Amauri is not your child. Only Dakota and Ayanna."

"Give me a DNA test then because I don't believe you. You do shit like this too often." Jay looked at me

"Watch your language." The judge spoke.

"My fault. Like I was saying, I want visitation for those three and I'm signing over my rights for Lyric."

I didn't even notice my leg shaking until Chris started rubbing it.

"So what I want the both of you to do is take a break. Get some fresh air and then come back here at 4:30 this evening. Mr.Taylor will be given a drug test and we will conduct a DNA test on all three children. And as for the rights being signed over, that can be done when you come back as well. The results of both tests will be ready by your court date next week."

I had to get out of that courtroom as soon as I could. I didn't even want to see Jay's face right now. I feel like my life is in a never ending loop. What could I possibly have done to deserve this? I walked to the car and leaned against it, waiting for Chris. I don't know what would make Jay even do this. Like he knows everything that I've been through and he's repeating everything that happened.

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