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it'd been a week since luke had seen michael at all, and he was losing his mind. it seemed like he'd only just come to terms with how much michael dictated his life, and how much he needed the red head to be around now so that he could keep his sanity.

his mum had decided to go on a road trip up north to see the rest of the family for the last week of the summer break, and luke was not happy with her decision, and he made that known to her.

"i still don't see why i even had to come in the first place." luke started again, for the 5th time today. they were in a taxi, on the way back home, and luke just couldn't wait to be back with michael. though they'd kept in contact through texts, and michael promised lots of hugs and kisses, luke still missed the punk. texting wasn't the same as hearing michael call him a cutie or princess in person.

"because they're your family too, lucas." liz said with a much harsher tone, starting to grow sick of her son's complaining. she sighed and looked across at him. "i know you want to see your boyfriend, you can once we're home. i just wanted to see the family. they haven't seen you in ages." she pointed out.

luke knew she was right, and he knew that he was just being stupid, but that didn't stop him pulling a face and crossing his arms in front of his chest and plugging his headphones in to blast greenday and drown out her voice.

and meanwhile back at home, michael was feeling just as miserable without his princess.

"hey mike." calum grinned from where he was stood, on michael's doorstep. he was holding a basketball. "is luke back home yet?" he asked.

michael rolled his eyes but laughed at the boy. "why would you come and ask me that when you can text him, or just knock on his door and see if he replies? you know where he lives." he raised an eyebrow.

"yeah- but i figured he'd want to see you more than me, so he'd be here first." calum said, his grin turning into a smirk, and then turning into a look of confusion. "why do you have a stained towel on your head?" he asked.

michael laughed again and shook his head. "come in and i'll explain."

he let calum in and shut the door behind him, showing him to his kitchen and sitting at the round table with the tanned boy.

"you're not gonna tell me you've killed someone, are you?" calum asked, giving michael a funny look.

michael couldn't help but burst out laughing at that one.

"as much as i've thought about killing people, i'm not that dark, i swear." michael grinned. "i'm dying my hair black, as a surprise for luke when he gets back." michael said with a shaky smile. "i got him roses too, they're upstairs on my bed though. i'm going to give them to him later. i even got a smart outfit to wear. well, smarter than usual." michael said with another smile.

"what's the big occasion? is luke pregnant?" calum asked with another confused look.

michael rolled his eyes. "obviously not, idiot. sorry." he apologised immediately. "his mum's never met me, and i was thinking that i'd dress up and go and.. you know. make a good first impression, i s'pose."

calum smiled brightly at michael and got out of his seat, going around the table and hugging michael tightly. "well done mike! she's gonna love you." he said, still hugging him.

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