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"They have my family!" Willa called, breezing into Shady Belle so easily that you could've sworn she'd done it her whole life. She had two guns now, one lined with gold that shimmered in the sunlight, and her hat had a long feather stuck into the side.

"Willa, what do you mean?" Dutch stood quickly. Her arms were crossed, face steeled.

"The Pinkertons took my mother and sister. They want you in return." Her face betrayed no emotions, though Dutch's eyebrows soared up on his forehead.

"Are you going to take that offer? Hand me over in exchange for you family?" It sounded more like an offer than a threat. Willa narrowed her eyes, feeling the gazes of the camp members boring into her back. She knew her answer.

"I've only known you for, what, a couple months?" She heard the others shift, "And in those couple months I've run from my life more times than ever before, gotten drunk more times than ever before, and cried almost as much. You guys make me crazy, but isn't that what family's supposed to do? So no, I'm won't turn you in. We're going to figure out where they are, then break them out, then we're going to Tahiti."

A smile broke Dutch's face in half and he opened his arms out wide, "Who would I be to refuse? Guess we have some people to rescue."

"But how are we going to find them while simultaneously avoiding a trap?" Charles spoke up. That was where Willa smiled, holding up the white piece of paper between her fingers.

"They gave a rendezvous spot. Clearly a trap, but I think I have a plan for that." She winked at Charles, sly grin creasing her features. Dutch cleared his throat.

"First, we get Jack back. Arthur, John and I have a meeting with the man responsible tonight. After we get Jack, we can make a plan for this issue-- please, Willa. One problem at a time." He stopped her before she could argue. Willa pressed her jaw closed and crossed her arms again.

"In the meantime, Willa and Sean, why don't you accompany me to Emerald Ranch? I have some business to attend to there." Hosea spoke up, slicing the tension away. They agreed to go, but Willa couldn't help but feel like she was abandoning her family. Horaz could sense her unease and it made him the same way, sidestepping and tossing his head.

"Shh, boy... It's alright. We'll get them back." She whispered into his mane, arms wrapped around his neck for what seemed an eternity, then she finally pulled back and swung into the saddle. Sean offered her a smile.

"Ye oh'kay?" He caught her hand from atop his own horse. She offered the best smile she could.

"No, but I'll manage." Her heart thrummed in her chest and her fingers felt as if they were buzzing. He tightened his fingers around hers and leaned over to press a kiss to her temple.

"We're going to get t'hem out of t'here." She nodded. She knew.

Lenny made a dramatic gagging noise as he walked by and Willa kicked at him, missing by a mile, but not really minding. He dodged away, laughing, "Sorry! It's cute, though!" He called as he walked away. Willa cupped her hand around her mouth.

"I'll hang you by your toes, Summers!"

Hosea mounted his horse and hurried to meet them where they were waiting.

"Sorry about that. Just talking with Dutch and Arthur. I hope they get that boy back tonight." He sighed. Willa nodded, looking to where John was embracing Abigail. The trio spurred their horses forward, Willa casting one more look around Shady Belle.

She hated the swamp and missed the lake so bad. It was hot and muggy here, and smelled like years of rotting wood and leaves. And maybe bodies. The water was always dirty, as apposed to the crystal blue water of the lake, and Willa kept wondering if someone was going to get pulled away by alligators. They had had to leave Clemens Point when they attacked the Braithwaite's estate, hoping to stay one step ahead of the Pinkertons.

"You still with us, Willow?" Hosea's voice brought her back to the present. Horaz threw his head again and almost yanked the reins right through her fingers.

"Yeah, what'd I miss?" She blinked, eyes brightening.

"I was just explaining what the job is. We're going to... Aquire a stagecoach, then we can sell it off to a man I met who buys that stuff. I thought it would be good to get your mind off of the Pinkertons for now." He glanced back at her and Willa hummed in response.

"Ye sure yer cut out for t'his, old man? Shouldn't ye have just left it t'a t'he young'uns?" Sean teased. Hosea chuckled, shaking his head.

"You're lucky Willow's here, or I'd slap you, kid. And why do you think I'm bringing you two? To do all the work myself?" Willa laughed.

"Careful, Sean, he's still kicking. Don't poke the bear if ya don't want the claws." She ran her hand down Horaz's neck. Sean laughed, looking between Willa and Hosea in turn, then he tossed his arms in the air.

"Whatever you say, love." Though his voice was taut, he was smiling.

Hosea looked at them, silent for a moment, and Willa couldn't stop her cheeks from flushing rosy red. In a blink, Hosea had turned back to face forward and cleared his throat.

"Let's go, lovebirds. It's right up ahead."

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