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Horaz threw his head, snorting loudly. Small puffs of steam billowed from his mouth and Willa shivered underneath her coat. More steam filled the air, coming from the horses and riders around her-- the people who had taken her in so easily. Dutch led the charge, as suspected, with her right behind.

"So what're you planning to do, Dutch? Walk right through the front door of a Pinkerton camp?" Arthur called. Dutch chuckled.

"Of course. We're getting to Willa's family one way or another, and if we have to kill an army of them to accomplish that, well... then I hope you have enough bullets."

Horaz stopped, snorting and throwing his head violently. His eyes were wide and wild, and he began sidestepping in a circle.

"Woah, boy. Woah, what's wrong? Wait up." There was dead silence for a moment, then Horaz started up again.

"Willa, get down in case he spooks." Charles, the closest to her, spoke urgently, but soft. Looking to her left, where the path fell away to a steep declining hill, Willa guessed that it was the best decision to listen, "You can hop on Taima, and we'll take Horaz by rope."

Then, above them, a twig snapped and Horaz whinnied loudly, stumbling.

"Horaz, it's okay! Cut it out. We're fine, boy, you're alright." She soothed the fretting stallion, while fighting to dislodge her boot from the stirrup. He answered with a low snort, but didn't relax. His feet were dangerously close to the edge.


"I know, alright? I'm just stuck-" Horaz reared as the crack of a rifle cut Willa's words off. A fountain of blood came into Willa's view and, for a horrifying moment, she thought they'd shot Charles, but then Horaz was falling.

She screamed, from horror and fear, and desperately grasped for anything to cling to as her beloved horse went over the side of the mountain.

"Willa!" Charles stumbled towards her, trying to grab onto anything to keep her from falling, but his fingers sliced through the air just in front of her hand.

Then she was gone.

And Charles was left to stare at his empty hands.

LAST CHANCE → sean macguire ✔Where stories live. Discover now