three , six

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It felt like Willa had been shot, punched, shaken and thrown all at the same time and she was sure that she would throw up.

She raked her gaze over him too many times to count and what felt like an eternity spent staring at him was really just a few seconds before she threw herself off of the railing and ran to him. He slid off his horse and readied himself to catch her.

She flew into his arms and the impact of their bodies shook the universe back into place. She was sobbing and laughing at the same time, emotions swirling around her like a tornado. His arms around her felt so good.

"You're so stupid, Sean. So stupid." She sobbed into his shoulder, taking in all the familiarities of his body.

"I love ya, too." He cupped the back of her head to feel her closer. This embrace wasn't supposed to happen, in both their minds. In their minds, Sean was dead and Willa was left alone in this hell of an world.

Willa pushed herself back to look at him, then stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. The world revolved around that kiss. Everything that had ever, or was ever going to happen, revolved around that kiss shared by those two in that godforsaken swamp.

They broke the kiss for air and Sean pressed his forehead to hers.

"I love you so much, you know? More than words can fathom." She whispered, closing her eyes and taking in the moment. Sean-- her Sean-- was safe and sound in her arms, heart beating just as fast as hers.

"It's one of the only things I'm sure of anymore," He smiled, but Willa tilted her head in question, "We'll talk about that later." He glanced at Arthur, who nodded once. Willa felt officially out of the loop and it made her skin crawl, itching to know what they knew.

"Well let's get you guys inside and get you warm. You can tell us all about your adventures in there." Susan waved the group inside. Willa and Sean pried themselves away from each other and Willa caught Libbie out of the corner of her vision. She was walking towards them hesitantly, eyes rounded at Sean.

In a heartbeat, she was running, splashing through the puddles until she was just a few feet in front of them, then she stumbled into Sean's hug.

Willa beamed at them, heart bursting with happiness. Sean caught Libbie in a hug and leaned back, lifting her feet off of the ground for a brief moment before he set her back on the ground, laughing. He slipped an arm around Willa's waist and another around Libbie's shoulders, and they all made their way back inside.

Willa broke away, sending a quick excuse to Sean and telling him to go sit by the fire, then she went to join Arthur. He coughed as she approached, then wiped at his mouth quickly, eyes flashing down at her.

"You okay?" She slowed, peering at him through slit eyes. Arthur shrugged.

"Yeah. Just tired, and this swampy air don't help." He gestured a hand around and Willa smiled softly, moving to stand beside him.

"I wanted to say thank you. For getting Sean out... Charles told me what you did. I know you hate to agree, but it was a good thing you did there. I can't thank you enough... I..." She glanced away, "I'm sure my thanks doesn't mean much to you. My father..." Her voice died in her throat as Arthur looked up, eyes brimmed with an emotion she couldn't identify.

"Isn't you. And you aren't him and... Ah, I've been a fool for thinking that," He stifled a cough and looked away, "You're good, and you try to be good. I'm sorry."

Willa smiled.

"Me too. He was a bad man, and I know that... But he wasn't always like that," She sighed.

"I know. Happens to a lot of people like us. Some of us just ain't ever been good people." He grunted, swiping hair from his face. Willa chuckled.

"You're not a bad man because of your past, Arthur... But you're a good man for learning from it. I'm not one to be preaching hogwash like this, but you really are trying and that fact makes you better than most." She placed a hand on his shoulder, then turned away.

"Willa?" She stopped and turned, eyeing him, "Thanks. For getting John out. Means a lot to us, it really does." He murmured. Willa smiled again, shrugging slightly.

"He helped me more than I helped him, but you're family now. I'd do anything to help any of ya." There was a moment of silence and Arthur nodded, looking away.

"Thank you."

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