three , five

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Micah was the first to come home.

The sun was barely peeking through the leaves when he rode up on what Willa guessed was a stolen horse. She had two buckets of water in either hand and was making her way to the gang's horses.

"Ain't that a man's job?" He snickered. Willa shrugged.

"I don't see no man doin' it. No, I see two men hunting to keep us fed and alive, working their asses off so we don't die... and another man coming back from a tropical vacation." She poured the water into the troughs, shrugging again, "The least I can do is water the horses."

Micah's eyes narrowed and Willa saw his fists clenching. She smiled. He was so mad that she could almost see steam coming out of his ears.

"You'll watch your mouth--"

"She'll do no such thing, Micah. Where's the others?" Charles interjected quickly. Micah leaned back on his heels and smiled.

"We split so we wouldn't seem so... Conspicuous. They should be here in time."

Another rider came into view and Willa stood on her tiptoes to see. Maybe, just maybe, Charles was right and Sean was coming home. The others came outside to see the commotion and were hesitantly welcoming Micah back, when Javier rode up. Willa was disappointed that it wasn't Sean, sure, but she was also glad to have the others coming back.

"Ah, I see I'm not late." He grunted as he slid off of his stolen horse, favouring one of his legs. Willa hurried to help him, settling one of his arms over her shoulders to keep him upright.

"Grimshaw! We got an injury! On that topic, how'd you get shot?" Willa asked, helping him limp to the house. Charles came up on his other side to help.

"They weren't too friendly in Guarma-- the place we ended up-- and they weren't too keen on having a greaser there." Javier grumbled, rolling his eyes dramatically. Willa smiled, pushing away her questions. Those were for a later time.

"Well, you're home now. Here, get him inside and get that wound dressed. Don't need any infections." She passed Javier off to Charles fully, stepping back from the house.

"Well, yes ma'am."

"Oh, shut up." She scrunched her nose up and Charles laughed. Willa waited until they disappeared inside before she turned back around. Micah had disappeared somewhere and the other's were either inside, asking Javier all about his adventures, or getting back to work.

Willa tried to busy herself for the remaining time. She fed the horses and helped Libbie brush them all down, admiring how good the young girl was getting with the animals and how grown up she was becoming. Willa then chopped wood and took it inside, then she listened to a part of Javier's story where they were being attacked by hordes of men and canons. Willa laughed at that, guessing it was extremely exaggerated, and went back outside.

Libbie was playing with Jack, using sticks like the swords from Jack's storybooks.

"They're still just kids..." Abigail whispered. Willa glanced over her shoulder.

"They deserve better than... This. I just wish I could've given Libbie more." She pressed her lips together as she crossed her arms over her chest. Abigail hummed in response, adjusting her grip on the cup of coffee in her hands.

"You've done all you can. I often think the same for Jack and I know John does, too... It's just... He doesn't change." Abigail lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip. Willa laughed distractedly, nodding slowly.

"He's not the brightest, but he sure does love you. You should'a seen the fire in his eyes when he talked about getting home to you. He wouldn't let me give up because he wasn't going to give up."

Abigail was silent for a while, watching the kids playing like they didn't have a care in the world. Willa smiled as Jack thrusted the stick towards Libbie's stomach and she gasped, dramatically stumbling around before she fell to the dirt. Jack, looking a bit distraught, shook her shoulder and she stuck out her tongue, then pulled him into a ticking onslaught.

Jack wriggled free and they scampered around the camp, laughing loudly. Like kids should.

"I haven't seen him so happy in so long." Abigail finally spoke and Willa turned a soft smile towards her.

"I haven't seen Libbie act like a kid, well... Ever." She leaned against the porch railings, watching as the sun dipped below the treetops. The kids played for a long time, until the rain started to pour and it became too dark to see much.

"Jack, Libbie! Let's get you inside!" Abigail retreated inside, peeking out the doorway to see if the kids were coming. The kids hurried up the steps, but Libbie paused.

"You comin', Willa?" She flashed her green eyes Willa's way and Willa roughed the younger girl's hair up, smiling.

"I'll be right in. I'm still waiting for the others to get back. You go play with Jack, lord knows he needs a friend right now." She placed a quick kiss to the top of her sister's head, earning a 'yuck' as Libbie squirmed away.

"Alright. Just don't get sick or anythin'." Libbie cast a look around the camp once more, then dove inside. There was an overhang of roof that protected Willa from the rain, even when she lifted herself onto the railings and propped her side against the support beam.

John came out at one point and stood beside her in a still silence for a while, then he is put a sturdy hand on her shoulder and retreated back inside. Micah came slithering back to camp soon after and didn't even acknowledge Willa as he skulked up the stairs and inside. She could hear Mrs. Grimshaw telling Javier to sit still and heard him promptly argue, claiming he was fine.

That's when she heard it. Splashing in the mud puddles, drawing closer to the camp.

She pried herself away from the support beam and squinted against the rain. Butterflies swarmed inside her stomach at the hope of Sean being alive. She still hadn't asked Micah or Javier because she didn't want to hear the answer yet. Willa didn't feel ready to be let down. And they both seemed to have their own troubles without the add on of hers, so she kept her mouth shut and stewed in her own feelings.

There was no doubting the two riders that approached camp, obviously waterlogged and tired, but relieved to see the gang nestled there. The first rider was Arthur and, when he saw Willa, a smile split across his face. The second rider was just behind him that she couldn't quite see them.

"It's Arthur! Arthur's back, everyone!" She called towards the house. The voices grew loud inside and a mass of people came hurrying out.

"Arthur? What, I don't get the hero's welcome home?"

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