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"I forgot to ask, but how'd you get that revolver there? It's nice, and I know I wouldn't have missed it before." Hosea stuck a pale finger at Willa's hip, smile curling up. She glanced down, then drew it from it's holster.

"Oh this old thing?" She sighed and shared a quick look with Sean, "In the note that the Pinkertons left, telling me that they kidnapped my mother and sister, they... Uh, they also mentioned my father. How they killed him, and where. He was just an old skeleton when I got there, and this was by a note that just told me he was sorry." She refused to let her voice hitch in her throat. Hosea looked at her for a long moment, then pressed his hand to her shoulder.

He didn't have to say anything. A million words passed between the look they shared-- with stories of pain and despair in a blink. Willa smiled thankfully, then the rattling sound of a stagecoach came rumbling over. Her blood surged and her muscles tightened.

This was it, the glory of the outlaw life. She settled her bandana over her nose, looking at the other two as they did the same. Hosea nodded and Willa dug her spurs into Horaz's side. First, she just saw branches, then the wind was in her hair and the stagecoach was in view. She whooped at the top of her lungs and gained on the stagecoach.

The passengers begged for their lives as she pressed their chests into the dirt and rifled through their pockets, pulling out jewelry and money by the handful. Hosea and Sean cracked the safe in the back, coming out with hundreds.

"You'll never get away with this, girl! I'd recognize those sad eyes anywhere." The male passenger spat. Willa paused, truly taken off guard by that.

"Enough of that. Let's get the stage and get out." Hosea tapped Willa's shoulder.

"I know you, I know you! So sad that you fell into this life, girl. You're Wi-" His life ended with a bullet between the eyes, blood spraying onto Willa's clothes. Sean snatched her hand up and pulled her into the stagecoach as the female passenger began screaming. Sean sat across from her in the main part of the stagecoach, clutching her hands like she would fade away, while Hosea drove.

"You killed him, Sean. He was innocent."

"I hate it, too, Lil's... But t'his 's what ye gotta do t'a survive. He woulda given ye away to all'a t'hem, t'hen we woulda had t'a kill 'em all. I helped-"

"You killed him! He was innocent, Sean! I have more blood on me because of your stupid mistakes!" She held her arms out, displaying the velvety red stains on her shirt. Sean opened his mouth to retort, then closed it. Finally, he spoke.

"Huh." Was all he said, sitting back with a smile creeping it's way onto his face. Willa crossed her arms.

"What's so funny?" It was a little sharper than she meant, but Sean remained unfazed and smiling, then he sat up and kissed her roughly. Despite her anger and the blood innocent man's on her clothes, she kissed him back with equalled ferocity. Hungry, even. His hands found the small of her back and he leaned back, pulling her with him until she was straddling him on the seat.

His lips were warm and welcoming, and he tasted like freedom and whiskey. It's amazing how two soulmates can even meet in such a jumbled world of wrongs. The kiss died away as they pulled away to catch their breath. Willa's fingers were tangled in Sean's hair and his hat was nowhere to be found. Good. She hated that thing, anyway.

"T'hat was our first fight." He gushed, placing a kiss on her nose. Willa sat back on his knees and rolled her eyes.

"I hate you even more, now."

He chuckled, "Well, now we know how we handle tension. We should fight more often." Willa scrunched up her nose and rolled off of him.

"You're the worst, Macguire. I always seem to be covered in blood whenever we do anything together." She gestured to her side where the stitches were still in, which was still tender. Though, that had been her own blood that time.

"Yeah, I'm t'he worst, but you still love me." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. She let him, relishing the feeling of his arms around her, and she sunk into his embrace.

She hummed at his words, "Of course I love you, Sean. More than... Well, more than anything, really." She settled her cheek against his chest, listening to the soft thrumming of his heart. The only thing that would always prove he was alive.

"Really?" His heart rate picked up and Willa smiled. She intertwined her fingers with his, then kissed his hand gently.

"Really really."

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