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Doesn’t matter what we do’ yeah right. If it didn’t matter he wouldn’t keep leaving. But it was typical of him to come charging back expecting the world to stop at his command as if he were Beyonce. You close the door and go back into the kitchen. You have turkey burgers with onion, cooked kale, sweet tea, and sweet fluffy cornbread. You just need to take out the mac and cheese.

“I just think it’s funny how you clock me for getting jealous but then you get jealous and throw a whole damn tantrum,” you say removing the casserole dish from the oven.

“One, watch your mouth. I ain’t even here to fight with you. Two, I wasn’t jealous because I’m not like you. I was pissed at the disrespect from BOTH of y'all and unlike YO scary ass, I wasn’t finna sit there and take it. Don’t neither of y'all deserve this premium dick to be honest.”

“Great because I’m not asking for it.”

“Which is why you won’t get it. In fact…”

He makes a direct b-line for your bedroom and your sixth sense warns you that he’s up to no good. You throw down your oven mitt to follow him. He throws open your drawers and you dive in front of him to block his warpath, shoving him, but he shoves you aside. You try building up the inertia to tackle him in a run, but he dodges and you miss horribly crashing to the floor. “Ow,” you murmur feeling a pain in your knee. Then it’s too late. When you look up he has your rabbit and bullet in his hands.

“WHY WOULD YOU SNIFF THAT,” you yell frowning in disgusted horror. You do clean your toys after every use, but still! He had absolutely no shame. God knows how deep his kinks ran.

“Mind ya fuckin business,” he snaps and you look at the digital clock on your nightstand that your mom gave you in college. It’s getting late which means he’ll only get worse. “You ain’t getting no dick and no play period. No toys and if you push me, no fingers. I’ll cut them shits off and you’ll be nuttin on ya damn knuckles.”

“What the hell?! Nigga, you are severely unhinged..”

"And since you know that, you got one more time to cuss at me. Try me. I swear I been waitin on this shit,” he squatted to her eye level and held her gaze like a predator, ready to spring at any attitude she returned. She was lowkey pushing him and he could feel it. She was like Shay in that way and he could tell she was wet by the dilation of her pupils, the sexual energy behind her aggression, and the fact she was still sitting on the floor staring up at him with expectation. She wanted something to happen, but did she deserve it? That was a loaded question. She shut up quick and there was a solid pause. No she definitely didn’t deserve it.

"Punk ass.” He rolled his eyes, standing, and she finally picked herself up from the floor, moving to the doorway.. out of his physical reach. She turned on her heel, brave now that she’d walked away. He listened carefully, still ready.

“Look, Stevens. I don’t know what you’re used to with your other subs, but I don’t care how attractive or smart you are. I’m smart too,“ she continued and he almost melted from the cuteness. This was her little speech and she wanted to storm away after to reclaim some sense of control. He let her finish. "And a friendship with me requires mutual respect. So all of this attitude,” she gestured around him to his general aura, “…Needs to die. Fast.”

“There you go with that friendship shit, but you absolutely right and I been fuckin up witchu,” he stepped closer to her and she stepped back. “Calm yo punk ass down, damn.” He hated when she acted that way, nervous and jumpy around him. It was always when she knew she was in danger of being fucked. He wished she’d just relax and let things happen. He passed her in the hall and strolled back into the kitchen. He was hungry and tired of fussing. He didn’t come over for all that. He just wanted to spend some quality time with her and to ease her mind, not increase her anxiety.

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