Prologue ( Becoming a Shinigami )

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Light's point of view

All my deeds were done. In my personal opinion, my journey with the death note had both inspired and created a far better world. One that will only improve as time goes by. Ever since I had acquired that valuable book I had indeed intended to create my own Elysium; however, even I couldn't see how easily the balance of the world could be changed in the aftermath of what I had done. After the Death Note had fallen in my possession, and after everything that I had to go through, I'm able to say that it was worth it. Even if the otherworldly powers eventually captured my soul. But, in an ironic twist, because I had used the death note:  upon my death I would be unable to enter neither heaven nor hell. 

That's why I'm rather puzzled. When I died, I was supposed to end up on a plane of nothingness. A vast empty desolation. But that isn't the case right now. The place is quite vast, as I had expected, but it was not entirely empty. I saw several people, with the same towering unnatural height as the person who had given me the Death Note. They sat around in a circle, taking no notice of their burnt surroundings, playing with a worn chipping deck of cards. No one seemed to care that I had abruptly appeared in their dwelling, even if they had, I'm certain they wouldn't have minded the intrusion. Though, perhaps I'd be able to find someone who did.

I turned my head away from the group of Shinigami and something familiar, or someone for that matter, faced me head on. Though this face was known. I was given no comfort towards the familiarity. I expected that Ryuk, my "friend", I suppose,  would somehow make my discomfort worse. Strange, how little hope I have in him; even if this is a matter that I could trust a complete stranger with. His face showed laughter. His eyes said that, as of now, it was his duty to instruct me. Cackling, as usual, he strained his neck around and then haphazardly bent his torso so he was looming over me.

" Light Yagami I do require an answer. You have a certain choice that needs to be made. You may either wander an eternity of isolation; hoping, or perhaps even be praying,  that God or Satan may take pity on your worthless soul and drag you into their realm. Or, simply, you can become a god of death, my personal Shinigami apprentice." Ryuk said this all with a rather forced cordial expression. It was bluntly obvious that he was trying his very hardest to suppress yawning. I found it useless that he tried to romanticize the offer to me by changing his bodily actions. I mean his face is always stuck at the same expression isn't it. So why would he change now? Right after I became accustomed to it too. It's kinda funny. 

"Why do you even bother giving me a choice of where my destiny falls? That is quite unlike you. Perhaps, maybe if I'm gone you'll actually have the heart to miss me. Am I right, Ryuk?" I pressed on to the matter, I knew how to tick Ryuk off, due to living with him for some time. However, I had more important matters to deal with rather than making Ryuk mad. What I really wanted to know was, how did having me live benefit this Shinigami? Ryuk closed his eyes and made a small growl into his hands before turning away so he wasn't looking in my direction anymore.

"Fine if you desire to know the truth so very much, I guess I can have the blessing of telling you!" He paused for a moment in order to calm his voice, it was obvious that my toying had gotten to him. The death god began to talk once again. "Within the seven days that you have been dead, I have gotten myself into another state of complete boredom! The Shinigami world is a dried up wasteland, I no longer have even the smallest joy of watching the pathetic attempts of the other Shinigami's attempting to cheat at playing cards!". He seemed to be in a rather emotional state of min, it was somewhat annoying for me. But, interestingly enough, he still managed to keep those incredibly wide eyes and the creepily huge smile on the entire time.

I gave an inane snicker before replying with my final answer." Well agreeing with you seems to be the only logical decision. It seems to be much better than wandering aimlessly in self-isolation and pity. It certainly shines brighter than me having a chance to enter hell. I don't think my stomach could handle getting all my skin burned to a crisp in a matter of seconds. Personally, I'd rather not deal with the criminal scum that I killed while I was alive." I gave a forced wide and evil looking smile before sticking my hand out towards Ryuk. "For all those reasons I must agree with your proposition."

The now floating death god returned my smile with a snort. Ryuk grabbed my hand and started shaking it." Welcome to the eternal boring droll hell of being a Shinigami Light, I do hope you enjoy yourself. I mean you'll be here for a while".

"So kind of you to welcome me to my new life, I'm so very glad to be here. Though I do hope that you and I can get along with me not being able to supply your red apple addiction".

He ripped his hand away and turned away from my impenetrable gaze, " I suppose I should tell you about what happens to a Death Note user that becomes a shinigami. Something is going to happen to the people you "influenced" while having it.." I cut him off.

" There's no need to tell me about those scum that died. I wouldn't want to know what happens to them, whether good or bad, there always staying where they are and that's final" I hissed.

"Whatever you say Light".

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