-Asking you out-
Toby was really nervous about asking you to be his girlfriend he kept ticking and stuttering to the point where he couldn't talk. So he got you flowers with a note attached asking you to
be his. You blushed as you read the note and nodded after repeating yes and jumping into his arms.-Masky-
it was late at night when you heard your window being opened you turned and smiled at Masky who had just closed the window behind him. Before you could say anything Masky spoke:: "listen (Y/n) lately I can't get you out of my mind, how beautifully badass you are so I came to ask will you be my girlfriend?" You checks became light dust of pink. "Yes"-hoodie-
You and hoodie were in the woods. Why you might ask? Because well you didn't know, but hoodie thought it would be a good idea so you went with it. Lately, hoodie has been acting a bit different, you were starting to worry for your friend. "Hoodie are you alright?" He stopped "Y-Yeah I'm fine (Y/n)" you didn't believe him "are you sure?" He didn't say anything for a moment. "Actually, (Y/n) Ilikeyousowillyougooutwithme?" You blinked hoodie spoke so fast you couldn't understand him. "What?" "I l-like y-y-you (Y/n) will you g-go out with m-me?" You smiled "I would love to hoodie"-first date-
You and Toby decided to go to Waffle House for your first date and after you two were trying to decide what movie to watch. "How about The averages?" Toby suggested. "Nah I've seen that hundreds of times. But I do what to see an action movie. But I also wanna see a little bit of romance, maybe with an adventure and a miracle and some comedy. But I can't think of a movie that has all that" It seemed that Toby smiled and chuckled "I *tic* know the perfect movie" and that's how you ended up watching the Princess Bride.
((A/n): fun fact the princess bride is one of my favorite movies)-Masky-
It was a beautiful day so for your first date the two of you sat up a picnic at the park. The two of you talked for hours while cloud gazing you didn't want that moment to end. But sadly the universe had other plans and it started to rain so you and Masky went back to your house and finished the date.-Hoodie-
You and hoodie decided to have your first date at your house, where you played board games and ate a cheesecake that you made earlier that day. Hoodie ended up finding out that you were really competitive when it came to monopoly.-first kiss-
(Toby's and Masky is a continuation of the previous Scenario.)
As the movie ended you smiled "that was a good movie Toby" Toby didn't say anything so you looked at him only to fell his lips on yours. You're eyes widened I'm surprised then shut as you kissed back.-Masky-
Once the two of you managed to get to your house, Masky stopped you from entering you looked up at him confused but that soon turned into surprise when you felt lips on yours. You gladly kissed Masky back-Hoodie-
You and hoodie were watching a movie but hoodie wasn't really paying attention to the movie he kept looking at you. Once you caught him looking at you for the fifth time you spoke up. "Why are you looking at me?" He didn't say anything before you were about to ask again you felt his lips on yours.-He saves you-
You were walking home when you noticed someone following you. You ignored it thinking the guy was just going in the same direction as you. After another couple of minutes, he was still following you so you decided to take a turn into an ally way which happened to be a dead end. "Great" you mumbled to yourself. Turning around you see the person that was following you with a twisted smirk on his face. "well look what we have here" you back up to the wall scared. "W-what do you want" you say trying to be brave but stuttering. "well you to put it bluntly," he said with a chuckle. As he neared you a hatchet came flying out of nowhere missing the guys head by an inch. "Leave her alone or I won't miss next time" Toby spat not stuttering. The guy ran out of there as fast as he could. "Toby thank you for saving me but when did you have a hatchet" Toby smiled but then sighed. "(Y/n) I have something to tell you..."-Masky-
You were currently doing chores around your house when you heard the front door open. Thinking it was one of your parents you paid no mind to it, that is until you were thrown on the ground by someone "what the hell?" The mystery person chuckled "now there's no need for that kinda language. All I need is for you to do is give me your money then I'll be on my way" you struggled to get out of his grip but failed. Suddenly the guy went limp, turning you saw Masky with a pipe in his hands. You ran and hugged him. "Thank you!" You cried. You noticed that the pipe had dried blood on it. "That can't be his blood is it?" Masky froze. "No, it's not...I have something I have to tell you."-Hoodie-
You had just left a cheesecake a Cheesecake Factory when you saw a kid being harassed by high school kids. "Hey, why don't you pick on someone you're on size?" You yelled at them. The leader chuckled "like you?" Your eyes widened as they approached you. "You wouldn't hit a girl would you.." you said nervously. He chuckled "no I'm not gonna hit you but we are going to have some fun" he pushed you up against the wall and was about to kiss you when he was pulled off of you. You saw Hoodie holding a gun up to his head and the other guys on the ground unconscious. "Now, that is no way to treat a lady...especially since this beautiful one is my girlfriend..."Hoodies voice sounded different it was deeper. You were brought back to reality when Hoodie knocked out the guy. "If I see him again he won't be so lucky to be alive.." Hoodie mumbled but you heard him. "What do you mean by that?" Hoodie froze then seemed to press a button on the side of his mask. "Well..."
-He tells you he's a killer-
"(Y/n) I have something to tell you...I'm a killer a proxy *tic* to Slenderman, I have these hatchets because that's how I well, kill. I didn't want you to be afraid of me so I didn't tell you" you looked Toby In the eyes "I'm not scared just a little surprised. Besides this doesn't change the way I fell about you. I'm just glad you were here to save me." Toby smiled and pecked your lips.-Masky-
"No, it's not...I have something to tell you, I'm a proxy to Slenderman (Y/n). I kill people" you were silent for a moment "cool." Masky tilted his head confused "you're not freaking out?" You shook your head "nope I really don't care that you're a killer." You smiled at him.-Hoodie-
"Well (Y/n) I'm a proxy of the operator or Slenderman. I kill people." You smiled "I kinda figured that since you always were a mask and you can sneak in and out of peoples house with ease. Don't worry I don't think any different of you." Hoodie smiled and lifted his mask kissing you quickly, grabbing your hand and running away from the unconscious bodies.-You were something of his-
When you got home from school/work, you saw Toby asleep on the couch with his goggles on the coffee table. Smiling you grabbed the goggles and put them on. Your vision became a bit yellow from the googles. Suddenly arms wrapped around you making you yelp. "You look *tic* cute in my googles love but I'm going to need those back." Slightly blushing you gave him his goggles back and cuddled with him on the couch.-Masky-
You had just got home when you heard the show running. Your parents weren't home so it had to be Masky. You smirked as an idea came to your head, for the past week you have been trying to were Maskys Mask and see his face but he would always say no. So you decide to steal it and put it on so you could see your boyfriends face. Sneaky you grabbed you boyfriends mask and ran for it. "(Y/n)! Get back here" you laughed as you heard him turn off the shower. You quickly hid and put the mask on. You could hardly see out of it because it was so big. Suddenly the mask was taken off of you and before you could see what Masky looked like he had put the mask on. You potted as Masky chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "I'll show you my face someday but I'm not ready today." You nodded "I just wanted to see it but I'll wait till you're ready"-Hoodie-
You were extremely cold and lucky Hoodie had noticed and took off his hood. You smiled "thanks hoodie" he chuckled "no problem sunshine"(Sorry hoodies is short I didn't really know what to put for his to make it longer)
I'm thinking about doing a Q and A so if you have any question about me or the story then feel free to ask. Or if you have suggestions for upcoming scenarios or if you want a special/one shot with a character just let me know I'd gladly write it ^-^

Creepypasta boyfriend Scenarios (discontinued )
FanfictionThanks for 20k+ reads I've fallen out of the fandom and I've decided to not continue. It is a bit cringey I'll be honest, but I had no clue what I was doing when I stated this over 4 years ago I do have other works but I've not uploaded them an a wh...