you hummed along to one of your favorite songs as you waited patiently for Jeff. You and him had planned to go to the carnival that was in town. You checked the time "he should be here any minute now." Suddenly everything felt off like you were being watched. "Please hurry Jeff" you mumbled paranoid. You let out a scream when a bag was thrown over your head. "LET ME GO! JE-" you then were knocked out by your kidnapper. "Shhh, we don't want anyone hearing you." The mystery voice chuckled as he disappeared leaving with you. All that was left was a note for your smiling Boyfriend.-BEN-
You were currently playing on your Xbox when you noticed how quiet it was. "That's odd usually mom and dad are home..." getting up from your bed you started walking around your house "mom? Dad?" You were starting to get scared where were your parents? You jumped when the power went out "BEN this isn't funny!" You shouted. A dark chuckle was heard that definitely didn't belong to your boyfriend or any of the other Pastas for that matter. "Oh I'm not BEN, I'm your worst nightmare." You were about to let out a scream but went unconscious before you could. "Two down five to go" the mystery person chuckled before he disappeared leaving a note where he once stood.-EJ-
You were happily poring cake mix into a pan. For the past week, you have been craving (favorite cake) and had finally gotten around to making it. After you put the cake in the oven you turned to the sink and frowned. "Great now I've got to clean this all up..." sighing you turned on some of your favorite music and began to clean. Sadly you were totally unaware of the person coming up behind you. Within an instant, you were knocked out. "That was surprisingly easy... now LJs girlfriend..." chuckling, the kidnapper disappeared.-LJ-
You whistled as you walked through the woods to the candy store. You're and LJs candy had somehow disappeared after you pranked BEN, who thought Jeff did it. You heard a twig snap and shot your head in the direction of the snap. "Hello?..." Since you were still in Slender woods, you thought it was just another Pasta trying to scare you. You sighed and continued walking, just to be knocked out in that very moment. "Hmmm who's next"-Jason-
"what the Hell?" You said as you watched a demon creature that had Just taken (LJs/GF/ name). "(Y/n) run as fast as you can tell Slender that Za-" You stared in shock as Jason passed out. "Can't have you going to Slender now can we?" You blinked and started to run to the mansion. "Nope, not getting kidnapped today!" Sadly, right when the Mansion was in view you were knocked out. "That was close...now the twitchy boys' girlfriend."-Toby-
You were at your favorite park waiting for Toby who was running late. He had texted you to meet him at the park nearly 30 minutes ago. You were begging to grow worried. Where was he? Did his boss send him on a mission? Was he trapped somewhere? Was he running for his life from masky? Did he get kidnapped? Was he eating waffles? It most likely was the last one you thought because he wouldn't run from masky and who would dare kidnap one of Slendermans proxies? Letting out a sigh you sat on a swing waiting for his arrival. Suddenly a branch snapped somewhere close by. "Toby...?" It was quiet for a moment then a dark mysterious voice spoke "I'm not Toby." Before you could say anything you were knocked unconscious.-Masky-
You are currently meditating trying to patiently wait for Masky to show up. You two planned on watching all the Marvel movies to get ready for the new one that comes out soon. And he was currently an hour late. Suddenly you felt off. The hairs on the back of your neck stood, it was deathly quiet. Before you could turn around you were knocked out. "That was easier then I thought it would be"-Hoodie-
As you waited for Hoodie to arrive at your house so the two of you could go out you played you VR fighting game. You were completely unaware of your kidnapper watching you. As he tried to get close to you, you would punch or kick in his direction and he'd jump back to avoid getting hit. But unlucky for him, you managed to land a punch on him. "Wow, this feels so real!" You smiled to yourself. Getting tired of what was happening your kidnapper took the VR headset off of you. Before you could scream he knocked you out. "Well...that could have been easier. But know I have all the Creppypastas girlfriends. Know Slender will have to give me control of the mansion!"

Creepypasta boyfriend Scenarios (discontinued )
FanfictionThanks for 20k+ reads I've fallen out of the fandom and I've decided to not continue. It is a bit cringey I'll be honest, but I had no clue what I was doing when I stated this over 4 years ago I do have other works but I've not uploaded them an a wh...