Hoodie-You turn into a pasta

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-Trigger warning- please don't hate me also this will switch between first and third-person

-(Y/n) POV- one month ago.
I was hanging out with Hoodie shortly after Doctor Smiley said I was good to go home after the whole kidnapping incident. 

Suddenly getting the urge to puke I rushed to the bathroom almost not making it in time. "(Y/n) are you alright?" I looked up at hoodie and was about to answer when I threw up again. "That's it I'm taking you back to Smiley!"

"Hoodie I'm fine it's just a stomach bug it'll pass" He shook his "fine but I'm gonna go to the store and get something to help with vomiting." You smiled "thanks Hoodie!"

After he left I vomited two more times before finally getting up to brush my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth I saw my pack of pads out of the corner of my eye. I dropped my toothbrush in shock. How long has it been since I've had my period? I know I'm late but how late am I?

Opening the calendar on my phone I go to my last period date...which was almost 3 months ago....before Hoodie took me to Slender mansion. I blushed bright red when I remembered what me and hoodie did.

Me and Hoodie were making out after we had finished watching one of the final destination movies. It was getting really heated and I know we should stop soon before we get cared away. We didn't end up stopping though...

I thought he had used protection or he did...I know condoms don't always work...

I need a pregnancy test...

  Hoodie and I were now sitting on my bed waiting for the three minutes to be up.  "What if it's positive?" I whispered just loud enough for hoodie to hear. "Then will go from there... we can do this (Y/n). If you are pregnant I know we will have everyone at the Mansions help." I smiled but I frowned once I realized what my parents would say. "My dad is going to kill me! He doesn't believe in sex before marriage he told me once I had started dating that he would disown me if I ever got pregnant before marriage!" I couldn't help but start to hyperventilate.

"(Y/n) it'll be fine...if anything happens you could always move into Slender Mansion or we could find our own place in the forest. besides, we don't even know if you're actually pregnant. So you could be worried about nothing."

I took a deep breath calming myself down. "You're right Hoodie." Hoodie smiled and kissed my forehead just as he did that the timer went off. Slowly both of us got up to check the test that was on the bathroom counter. I stared in shock at the test. I was pregnant. I couldn't help but smile "I know it's not the best timing and my dad is probably going to kick me out but I couldn't be happier right now"

Hoodie chuckles "I can't wait to see him are her" you smile got even bigger "oh it's definitely gonna be a girl I've always had a feeling my firstborn will be a girl."

Hoodie raised his eyebrow "well I think it's gonna be a boy, but either way, I'll be happy if they're healthy" my smile just kept getting bigger.


I'm now about four months pregnant, I was starting to show and that had me worried...I haven't told my dad yet but I have told my mom she was disappointed but she's been really supportive. I was Planning on telling my dad sometime today but first Hoodie was going to take me to the doctor to see if they can determine the gender or not. Masky and his girlfriend were going to come with us but decided not to last minute because she was having family problems.

  I was about to throw on my jacket to hide my noticeable bump from my dad when he walked through the door. Quickly I turned around so my back was facing him.  "Hey, dad..."

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